I have been working of the door hinges which I need to fabricate prior to making the door frames so that I have the proper spacing and alignment will be easier.
I started with a small block of billet stainless that I re-sawed into the blanks prior to machining work. The following are photos of this progress.
Here is the block of stainless.
Here I have cut the basic shapes, machined all 6 sides, applied layout fluidand scribed the overall layout. In the background, I have begun to bore the hinge pin hole which will eventually have bronze bushings.
Now all four blanks have been bored
Now they get reamed to .375 in order to have a snug fit for the oil impregnated bronze bushings.
On to more machining in order to get the initial overall shape.
All four are now machined.
Now I have the basic hinge knuckle machined.
Finally cut into the three segments that will make up each of the hinges. As soon as the bearings are pressed in, they can be assembled.
Well, thats it for today because we are having a bit of a party and I need to clean up and help everyone drink the beer. LOL

Mr. Fixit