Ron Pope Motorsports                California Custom Roadsters               

tbucketlars build pics!


Well-Known Member
Tbucketlar was having trouble loading pics, so he sent them to me. These are probably not the size they are intended to be, but it's the best I could do with my limited abilities. ENJOY!






As you can see, he's got a great build coming along!:feedback: Now, we just need him to come in and tell us what he's going to be doing next!:D
Fred, thanks alot for getting my pictures posted. It's been one of our worst winters in the last couple of years. It has slowed me down pretty good so I've been collecting parts. I have been keeping Total Performance in business also helping Fed Ex to. Put the body on for photo's now it is off & I'm working on the brakes. I have a chevy 307 & 350 turbo but still allittle undecided if I'm going to use it or get a crate 350. I will get every thing done on the frame before body goes back on. I'm only about 175 miles from where NTBA nationals are this year so that's my goal. Possibly might go to Mt. Home if time & $ permits. I will get more pictures as I probe along. Thanks again Fred & nice job on your bucket.:feedback:
Nice build, I like the outline flames.
It was a pleasure, 'Lar. I can't wait to see all the builds from up north after the weather gets right for you guys. You guys are gonna come out like bears out of hibernation!:lol:

I better step up my pace.:)
Your build is comeing right along. Looks good. Waiting for the next post.

tbucketlar said:
...I'm only about 175 miles from where NTBA nationals are this year so that's my goal... :lol:

I'd be tickled pink if they had a nationals closer than 3200 miles round trip! This year if I go... will be 4260 miles round trip!

Nice looking build! I think the outline on the flames look great too!

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