1 Little step at a time . . . .
So I finally got some vacation time and as nice as it feels to do absolutely nothing, . . . . that isn't going to make much progress on the hot rod so I thought I'd check out some of the stuff that's already come in, some of it several months ago.
The Crate Motor came with a fairly generic damper. no doubt adequate, but far from a premium item, so I ordered an ATI Super Damper . . . I don't think they come any better than that.
I finally opened the drive shaft that I had custom ordered back in December or so, it's from Strange Engineering, all chrome molly with forged chrome molly ends, . . Damn it looks sweet . . I was going to paint it blue, but decided to just leave it natural
Finally, I opened the wheelie bar kit and did a little assembly, . . . wasn't too impressed with the bearings in the wheels . . . just seemed really cheap, but they can be replaced if need be . . . they are way more about the look than functionality, or at least I think so . . .
Tomorrow, weather permitting, I want to work on the front end and swap out the reverse eye spring for the new standard eye spring, and see if I can add a spacer in the spring perch so I have a little more ground clearance. . . . The new wheel studs won't ship untill at least next week, since they weren't in stock when I ordered them with the appropriate lug nuts.