Update from Mykk from fb:
Recently cracked a timing cover, in my attempts to reduce supercharger belt slip I tightened the belt up to a High E. The belt tensioner bolts to the timing cover took the brunt of the stress until it couldn't anymore.
Needed to remove the supercharger to unbolt its mount that is on the timing cover.
Replaced the timing cover, retimed the cams, stripped and painted the valve covers in wrinkle black.
Fired it up, the timing cover didnt seal.
Removed the supercharger & mount again, removed the timing cover. Cleaned it up. Went to the parts house and picked up some extra thick gasket material, made a timing cover gasket.
Snotted it all up in Right Stuff. Bolted it all back together.
While the RTV was curing I focused on moving forward on the sectioned grill, welding the dzus tabs as lower mounts.
Still more work to do until it's fully back together.