Yeah, Keep, we kinda hinted around on that on the other post, on the 1st page, about vaccum leaks. Thought a vaccum gauge would be hooked up, [sigh]...oh well...anyway.
It'd be worth yanking the carbs off and getting new gaskets on there, doing it right, since all else is unknown at this point about the motor. But thats just me.
I'm with Mike, the Oil could cause a mess with the carbs. NEVER EVER RUN A OIL BREATHER LINE UP INTO THE AIRCLEANER, I DON"T GIVE A DAMN IF THE DIRECTIONS SAY SO OR THE MFG'ers SET IT UP LIKE THAT. Said oil will FOUL a carb, as per Mike....
He said there were no places tap in on the intake for vaccum, which is very strange. The only intakes I have seen with no NPT fittings on the manifolds were/are race manifolds....
Usually on the 2x4 intakes, the rear of the front carb has a hose line that most folks block off. Rear carb has one, too. I've seen many times when folks first start a motor, it'll sometimes backfire while setting the timing, blowing a vaccum plug off.
I would check all those vaccum plugs and lines before ripping things loose, it just might be that simple....
It has happened before....
Good point there.
Again, I reiterate though - - I cannot find any ports off the manifold at all, both carbs have brass tube ports.