I think I'm just going to bin the entire idea of doing shirts, altogether.
it looked like we were going to have a good deal in trying to do shirts with Zazzle, because there was no inventory expense. The shirts would all be made to order. But there were no shirts with pockets and most people indicated they would like to have a pocket.
I've stated all along that we weren't going to inventory shirts. I do not have the funds to do a start-up order. The company that did shirts for the race team was willing to do artwork and a start-up order for me for ~only~ $2,250.

A forum member was willing to work with me on a design and minimum quantities of a dozen shirts per run, but that left me needing to ship shirts and then holding up orders until we had enough for another run. Another forum member was going to look into what he could do to help me out and get back to me in a couple days time. That was two weeks ago. Call me difficult, but I have issues about chasing people down, so I can hand money over to them.
Even if I had the funds to keep shirts on hand, there are hardly enough hours in the day as it already stands. I simply do not have the time to receive orders, package shirts and do Post Office drops, on top of everything else that is happening every day.
A typical weekday around here will have me online before 5:30 AM, trying to tie up loose ends on five different forums. By 7:20, I'm away to my regular job and not back in until 5:30 PM. And the evening is spent trying to juggle five forums, while trying to tackle the Web sites my customers have hired me to work on. I'm lucky to get the office lights turned out before 10:00. Add in trying to keep a tidy household, paying bills, cooking, washing dishes, doing laundry and spending a few minutes with friends and family. Forget trying to visit Web sites I'm interested in, reading a book or watching a bit of television. When do I have time to worry about shirts, shirt designs, ordering shirts, shipping shirts, etc.?
The shirt idea seems less appealing, with each passing day. Designs, colors, styles be damned, I don't have time for it.