Garage Merch                Ron Pope Motorsports                California Custom Roadsters               

Well, after three years on the road, the T is finally painted...

Luv them flames! :thumbsup:
i have always been a fan of flames on a bucket. lots of styles and patterns out there to choose from. track t 4 has one style and lee has another, both awesome in my book. takes a real artist to get 'em right.

Your car looks great! It sits perfect. I am using the unpainted picture as a desktop background. Congratulations!:rolleyes:
Looks great....
one more step and your back on the road.
Summer is almost on us...keep up the great work.
and always enjoy the ride.
Looks great Lee. I haven't been a big fan of flames on T-buckets because the body is so small and scaling them to fit the body without overwhelming it is, imho, difficult. You figured it out and got them just right.
Thanks for all the compliments, guys. I really agonized over how to paint my T. That's the main reason it took three years. Flames were not actually my first choice. They were always my "default" option, but I wanted to do something a little different. I wanted to stay traditional, so modern colors and graphics were out. Over the last three years I have collected photos of paint jobs I liked, and I sat down with my painter (Dave Tallant, Daves Hot Rod Shop & Auto Body Shop - Home) and went through them. He was really pushing me towards flames, and he hand-drew a couple of ideas pulling from photos of flame styles that I said appealed to me. What you see is the result, and I am very happy with it. The photos in the post don't do the paint job justice. Looking at the full resolution digi-pix on an HD monitor, the flames really pop. They aren't as orange as they appear in my post, and there is much more fade into the licks. Also all the licks are pinstriped with the "electric" blue you can see at the tips of the licks. The one thing I may be having second thoughts about is doing the dash in gold instead of black. Dave talked me into that, since my upholstery is going to be black. I guess I'll get used to it. My gauge faces are black, so I guess it will be a good contrast.

Can't wait to see it live! I'll see if I can get some better pix.
you can't get more traditional than the blue stripping around the flames ... truely an "old school"look!!!

Please tell me about the engine. I am really interested in a streetable blower motor. How reliable is the blower belt? Long trips. Heating a problem in traffic? I have probably looked at a thousand pictures of T-buckets on the forums and your's is the best. Who made the frame and body? I am really interested in the Spirit kit. Your thoughts? Is the blower set up especially loose for the street? What size blower? I don't mean to bug you but I am really impressed with what you've done! thank you, Ron Cruse
Is this the same place? [ame=[media=youtube]z2lM5SdMVlc[/media] - Smokin the tires with a 572 in a 2003 Cadi[/ame]
Hey Lee, I really love the paint job and as for carrying the color onto the dash, that is HOT. I really like it better than a black dash. To me that is the best flame job and paint sceme out there. But that's just my opinion...
rcruse said:
Please tell me about the engine. I am really interested in a streetable blower motor. How reliable is the blower belt? Long trips. Heating a problem in traffic? I have probably looked at a thousand pictures of T-buckets on the forums and your's is the best. Who made the frame and body? I am really interested in the Spirit kit. Your thoughts? Is the blower set up especially loose for the street? What size blower? I don't mean to bug you but I am really impressed with what you've done! thank you, Ron Cruse

Ron, I'll get back to you tomorrow morning.
I'm still not sure I believe it. I need to rub my eyes a bit and check back later in case this is just a dream, LOL. Pretty sweet, Lee!
Lee_in_KC said:
Yep, that's the place. Dave does really nice work.

I've seen pictures of some of his cars (and got that video) over at the Hub Garaage, he does do nice work, and did a nice job on yours too!!

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