Noob said:
How do the lower mounts hook up? are they on the radius rods?
The radius rods are a great place to mount the lower shock mount, another 2 in 1 bracket... :rofl:
A younger fellow came to me and asked if I could help him fix his T Bucket...
He had hit a speed bump and bent one and broke the other (ft. shock mounts) plus put a hole in his oil pan (Alum) which I suggested he change to a steel stock pan, which, luckily he still had..
Well I added a skid plate (1/8" steel plate to the bottom) after cutting off a full inch to make it level and a tiny bit shorter, and to move the drain plug to the rear. this also gave him a bit more ground clearance. (you don't want go higher than the flywheel/flex-plate)
I said that "you went over that speed bump straight on didn't you?" he said "yes", I told him that was a big mistake, because hitting any type of bump or dip with both tires at the very same time, bottoms out your suspension, and will either break something, and/or put your front end out of alinement right now... (this is also real bad for IFS on late model cars)
I said the cure for those type of dips and bumps is to
take then at an angle, one tire at a time, (if not much maneuvering room, even a slight angle works wonders) the more angle you can hit them at, the less the severity of the hit, you can turn them into a gentle roll with enough angle... even with a motor cycle, the dips and bumps turn into easy rolls...
This is just one of the things that I teach a new T Bucket owner/driver, after building them a new car, and before I let them drive it on their own... After that, it is your baby, you break her, it will cost you to fix the problem... Ride safe