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Where are they now . . .

Many of the regulars are pretty active. Making observations, giving advise or commenting on someone’s project. Island Girl was like that. She was very active in this forum. I understand that sometimes life gets in the way of the fun stuff. Maybe she’ll chime in just to say hi. Maybe the other MIA bucket heads will do the same.
I wish for the same thing, Bill. Whether we realize it or not, we become a community when we participate in this forum, and we are collectively enriched by our contributions, or diminished by lack thereof. o_O
Spanky, you're so right. It's interesting. I don't personally know any of you folks, but I feel like I do know many of you due to your actions on this site! The cars, the conversations and the banter back and forth is what makes it feel like a community! When someone is AWOL, it makes you wonder whats going on with them. Where the hell are they?!?!
I know I'm a newbie to the group but I'm still here. I dropped off due to other obligations at work and home. I do feel as though I know you guys too. Wish I had a working Bucket to get together and hang out. Neshkoro, you're closest to me but I'd drive to St Louis to do lunch with Spanky. (Used to go there for work a lot. Remember a nice Italian restaurant on (the Hill?) I'm getting closer thanks to you guys! I do really value your help and input. I've NEVER built a car from scratch so this is a giant learning experience. Like I say though....How do you eat an elephant?.....1 bite at a time! anyway, I'll be lurking even if I'm not posting.
Mr Spanky, I'm thinking Dominics or Mamas. It's been a real long time since Ive been there but the food was excellent/ superb
I'm guessing it might have been Dominics. It was quite a while ago. (like 20 years) Tell you what, If I ever get this thing going I'll drive down and buy you lunch!! If I can't, maybe I can come and visit, I'll still but lunch but you'll need to bring your bucket! Maybe in the spring? Or, my son plays volleyball for school, maybe we can meet up when he's down there playing? I'm also open to suggestions. I'm a seafood lover too! Lol! My Treat!!
Another MIA: nlongo33, aka GODSMACK! On September 13 he said, "Car is wired with essentials...hated the way i ran brake lines so im redoing those...some finish welding and burnouts.....three 8 hour days away..."

OK, so how did the burnouts go? No pics . . . it didn't happen! :rolleyes:

Godsmack T.jpg
And another one . . . How 'bout it, choppinczech - got the honey-do list pared down???

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Still working on the list. The flooring is down. The 40+ bags of floor leveler and hours of grinding paid off. Wainscoting is in. Base and crown moulding to do. And replacing a knee wall on the stairway with a newel and handrail. Then lots and lots of painting.
Still working on the list. The flooring is down. The 40+ bags of floor leveler and hours of grinding paid off. Wainscoting is in. Base and crown moulding to do. And replacing a knee wall on the stairway with a newel and han
rail. Then lots and lots of painting.

Too many honey do's makes Chop a dull man, but have a happy wife. Maybe!

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