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Where to find a Vin # on the frame


Hey gang, have a question. What would be the most obvious place to find the Vin # on a Bucket? I tried looking along the frame. Mostly on the top and side of the frame. Could it be possible for the Vin # to either be stamped or attached to a plate and then attached to the frame? I don't see any vin plate attached. So I'm wondering if they stamp it from the factory. Any help will be appreciated.
IF it is an original T frame, it did not have a VIN, only an engine serial #.

It is probably not an original frame so who ever built it could have put one anywhere, if they even put one on it.
I imagine it has a lot to do with the state law where the vehicle was originally registered. When mine was registered the issued VIN # was stamped by hand into the frame by the state inspector.
I will keep looking as I continue to strip the paint/powder coating off. Thanks!
Is your vehicle titled? If you have a title take the VIN and stamp it into the frame yourself. If it doesn't have a title you are going to have to go through the inspection process anyway so let them assign a number to it then. Up here when mine was inspected and a number assigned the inspector stamped a number into the frame then place a paper tag behind the steering drop also showing the number. Their way of hiding the number in a secret location I guess.
It was titled and I'm assuming that the last time it was registered was back in 1979. According to the last safety inspection sticker thats on there now. So, technically I could re-register as "new" or "home made". I guess I will have to go the long route in getting it registered for the street. Inspected and vin # stamped and so on. In the mean time I will continue to look around as I continue to work on her. Thanks
If you have a title, I'd try to register it... offer up as little information as possible... don't mention taking down to the frame or such... I'd just march into DMV with my title and say you to want to licence a a car that's been in storage for many years that you just acquired and you'd like to register it... most likely a lot less headache than doing from scratch... nothing ventured nothing gained!
I agree with what LumenAl said, when I originally brought my bucket in for inspection the person I presented the paperwork to asked what make of car it was. I said it was a 1923 Ford Model T and that is what my title and registration card say today. The person inspecting it never questioned the engine or transmission and even though it's on it's 3rd engine, second transmission and God only know how many other changes in it's 40 year history the title stills says 1923 Ford Model T.
Sorry, I didn't mention that I did not get a title when I got the vehicle. But, I do hear what you're saying about trying to register it. I'll try to register it when I'm done with the re build. Then if I can't go that route, then I'll just have to follow the steps in getting it registered.
T4TWO, I think it might be worth your time to try and do a little background search on your bucket. From the pictures I've seen of it there is a strong possibility that it was a driver and that would mean it was previously registered. It could be easier trying to track it's previous registration then meeting any requirements or restrictions set by your states department of motor vehicals.
der Spieler said:
Did you get a bill of sale? That will help

Bill of Sale was a gentleman's handshake. I could make one up and get him to sign it.
Yup, I've started the process. A friend who works at the DMV is checking on things for me. I gave him the serial #'s from the last inspection stickers. Hoping he can track down some info, and point me in the right direction. While I continue to do some work to her.

Haven't checked with my friend about the safety inspection sticker #'s. But while working with my son who is back from school on Winter break. We took off about 4 layers of paint and found either a Vin or Frame #. Its only about 6 characters long. Should be about 16 or 17 characters long for a Vin #.

Will keep going through the process of re registering.
T4TWO said:
We took off about 4 layers of paint and found either a Vin or Frame #. Its only about 6 characters long. Should be about 16 or 17 characters long for a Vin #.

Will keep going through the process of re registering.

Not necessarily, if it was a state issued # it could be much shorter then one issued by the big 3. My state issued VIN is only 8 characters long. Try giving that number to your friend and have him check it.
If you found old safety inspection stickers then you know the vehicle has to have been registered with the state.
Excuse me, while I momentarily interrupt your discussion.

For those that may have noticed, earlier today a member of this forum posted an offer to launder up a title in this thread. This is an illegal practice in several states.

I want to make very clear as owner of this site, I do not support any type of illegal practice, nor will I allow this site to be used for any illegal activity.

I have imposed a severe restriction on the offending member's forum account and have moved his illegal offer from open view on this forum. As with all members, his IP address has been logged and the message has been archived, should any legal authorities demand it.

In addition, this member was offering his "services" for a price. We provide a forum section so forum members can sell used or unwanted personal items, only. If anyone is interested in promoting the sale of commercial items or services, please read our advertising page, located here - The T-Bucket Forums Forum Advertising - or contact me via Private Message to discuss the advertising package you are interested in purchasing.

Sorry for the interruption fellows. As you were. ;)
Good call web - I saw that and was thinking it sounded like trouble to me. Another thing being the car would have registered in his name and then transferred to you. What if he didn't send it back to you. The car is now in his name - and you can't easily go to the police for help because a crime was being commented.

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