Excuse me, while I momentarily interrupt your discussion.
For those that may have noticed, earlier today a member of this forum posted an offer to launder up a title in this thread. This is an illegal practice in several states.
I want to make very clear as owner of this site, I do not support any type of illegal practice, nor will I allow this site to be used for any illegal activity.
I have imposed a severe restriction on the offending member's forum account and have moved his illegal offer from open view on this forum. As with all members, his IP address has been logged and the message has been archived, should any legal authorities demand it.
In addition, this member was offering his "services" for a price. We provide a forum section so forum members can sell used or unwanted
personal items, only. If anyone is interested in promoting the sale of commercial items or services, please read our advertising page, located here -
The T-Bucket Forums Forum Advertising - or contact me via Private Message to discuss the advertising package you are interested in purchasing.
Sorry for the interruption fellows. As you were.