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Winter project: water pump R&R


Staff member
The short water pump on my Chevy 350 got so noisy I couldn't stand it. So . . . I replaced it. The one I used in my build was a Weiand aluminum one, and the replacement is a Flow-cooler cast iron unit. The job was straightforward, with one annoying exception., the bolts (4) required were different lengths! Well, OK, one was the same, but you'd think a SB Chevy short water pump would be so standardized by now that all after market suppliers would use the same specs. Not so; 2 of the 4 bolts were too short, and one was too long! The new pump works perfectly (and quietly!) so I shouldn't complain, but . . . just a little annoyance. I wonder if the difference is related to the aluminum vs cast iron pump? Anybody else encounter this problem?

Water pump1.jpg Water pump2.jpg
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Three bolts should be the same length unless there are accessories attached. And every aluminum w/p I've used I had to find the right length bolts for it no matter the Manufacture/brand.

Mighty right. that kind of re-engineering would be above my pay grade!

I'll sell you my press brake--lathe--milling machine--planishing hammer machine-- hell the whole shop if you want it then you can make anything your heart desires.

Knowledge comes with practice and mistakes. And money.
Darlene, is the belt right? Looks like a toothed belt on ribbed pulleys.

It doesn't seem to photograph very well, but it's an 8 rib belt, but it has little cross grooves that run at about 30 degrees for better grip in the pulley grooves. It seems they catch most of the reflected light, so the longitudinal ribs are much less visible.
I don't care what the calendar says, when it's 13 degrees overnight, WINTER'S HERE!!!

That's just too funny and i would tend to agree Spanky. On the other hand it's going to be upper 50's this weekend and into the lower 60's next week here in Tulsa. So i'm going with lincolnuT on this one. Plan to have mine out both days. I get your frustration on the pump bolts. T-Test nailed it with his commitment.
I am going to try and make it to the car show tonight but depends on the weather , it is a little cold for ( us) only 54 now going to
60 , had to go look for long pants and i think i have a flannel somewhere i guess everything is relative , but i still went out this morning and got my ice coffee at Dunkin my new Camaro is getting the original gears put in this Thursday , going back to the 3:42 , removing the 4:11 maybe i can sell them to some kid

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