Ron is right, we did have some issues with the TP kit, and it looks like they aren't over yet. Lately we are starting to see where the filler we used under the wood kit deformed the fiberglass body a little, making it wavy under the nice paint. It wasn't like that a couple of months ago, it is just rearing it's ugly head now.
I've voiced before that I am pretty unimpressed with the TP body in general. I think it is too thin of a layup, certainly much thinner than my body, which is a Speedway. I also do not like the way TP leaves the back flap of the body loose like that, or the way they instruct you to put their wood kit in. The kit itself is a real joke. Big money for some very rough firring strips, and some body filler. We scrapped half of it and bought some good wood to suppliment their "kit."
I have to tell you, if you are using their interior, PUT THE WOOD EXACTLY WHERE THEY TELL YOU IT HAS TO GO. If you don't, you won't be able to get the interior nailed or stapled in place. The interior kit is another big disappointment. We had to remove 3/4 of the padding in the back to get it to look decent, buy some matching vinyl to redo some of the panels, and generally spend 4 days (3 of us pulling our hair out) to get it to look reasonable. After all of that, it is starting to come apart at some seams, an it is only 8 months old.
What we are going to have to do eventually is pull the interior out, have a body shop redo the body to eliminate the waves caused by the filler heating and deforming the body, then pay an upholstery shop to put in a proper interior. The TP interior is going to go in the dumpster.
If I sound down on TP, I am. I always thought that they had a great reputation and built a good product. After putting this one together I don't feel that way any longer. Their body is the thinnest I have ever seen. I have a '27 and '23 from Speedway and those bodies have never warped or stresscracked, and the '27 was done by me 20 years ago. You can feel the weight difference between a TP body and a Speedway body, and see the thickness difference.
I also have a problem with those stupid "thread cutting" screws TP wants you to use to bolt down critical components like coil over mounts, engine mounts, and steering boxes. Those went into the garbage immediately, and we welded them on instead.
Sorry if I offend anyone that owns a TP car, but these are just my personal opinions and experiences. We will never buy another body or interior from them. I gave my Son the body and most of the suspension items as a Xmas gift a few years ago, and I really feel like I didn't do him any favor, and that I will need to do something to make it right for him down the road.