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Your forum name

I make welded Rolling Ball Sculptures.

Saw a large one encased in glass once. This thing was perpetual, self loading, with 10 or so balls moving around at once.
Intrepid, from the book "A Man Called Intrepid"
If you haven't read it, its about a real WWII Canadian spy that 007 was originally based on.
The real WWII Spy training camp is close to my home and some of the buildings are still there.
I am Canadian and my Grandfather was in WWII and his name was also William.
When the internet first started taking off around 1995 I picked the name and it stuck.
Seems not many people knew or know about the Canadian war hero's and I didn't mind telling the story.

William Stephenson - Wikipedia
My first work is still in progress. Pics & video when finished & debugged.
iajjpop - ia. is for being in IOWA, jj is for my initials & pop is used because my kids & grand kids call me POP. Thats how I come up with iajjpop .
I find it very interesting how you guys came up with your names. I should have given my name a little more thought. Oh well it is what it is. Thanks for sharing.
Welllll...Way back in the days of DOS AOL, when I first got online, I tried to come up with a short/unique/memorable screen name. What this warped mind stirred up from who knows where was Zandoz. I've been using it ever since. No known meaning or implication.
First and Middle Initials, First part of my last name and 21 was my number for sports when I was still in school. My kids now use the number 21 for their sports.
After spending over an hour trying to register with several different names and getting the message 'name already in use', I resorted to the name I was called when I was a kid. I guess I have started my 2nd childhood, not a bad thing.

All three initials, plus kart, as in go karts. I was deeply involved in kart racing when I first got on the internet nearly 20 years ago.
Use it as my username just about everywhere.
Meangreen was the name that the announcer at Orlando Speedworld called me because my stock car was bright hot lime green. In a sea of red, blue, black, white, and yellow cars that green really stood out. I became locally known by the nickname, so I've kept it. The color was first used because the local automotive paint store gave us (my co-owner and me) a gallon of free paint. We didn't even know what color we had until we got the can back to the shop and opened it and WAZOO!! Well, it was free, so what the heck. It turned out to be a lucky color, so I used it on my next 5 race cars, too! I haven't used it on anything else for about ten years now, but the name is still with me...

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