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Need some prayers


Well-Known Member
My new granddaughter was born via emergency C-section, about 90 minutes ago. And was struggling to breathe, so she is now in intensive care, on a breathing tube.

If you are so inclined, please pray for Laylah Ann...
DONE !! Went through a similar thing 36 yrs. ago w/ the youngest daughter , praying your situation turns out as well !!!
You got it!
She'll be a fighter, Hoping she be home soon !
I spent the night sitting with wee Laylah. I told a friend in England Laylah will never remember last night and I will never forget it.


There were a couple of rough patches last night, but she soldiered through them. She takes after her GrandDa, she is a fighter. We were hoping they were going to dial back her oxygen support a bit, this morning, but it has yet to happen.

She would get herself all worked up and start huffing and puffing, and we would have to try to soothe her back down, so she was getting more oxygen. Once she would settle down, things would start looking better, but then she would get all worked up and we would be right back at square one. The nurse who worked with her last night was a true angel, so that was a big help. Mom and Dad were both frazzled from yesterday, so they were sleeping in Mom's room. So I sat up with her, to keep watch.
Our youngest had the same problem and he made out fine, but was 50-50 for 72 hours.

Laurie and I will keep Laylah Ann in our prayers!

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