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9" ford brake backing plate

Mr. Fixit

I an getting ready to reassamble the brakes and axles after painting everything and I have realized that there is a left and right brake backing plate which I hadn't noticed upon disassembly. Although at a glance they look the same, it seems the only difference is that the spur adjustment hole can face towards the front of the axle or the rear of it. Is there a right or wrong? As always, any help is much appreciated.

99% of the time the emergency brake cable hole should face forward.



I dont have an e-brake, but I am assuming that the hole that you are rererring to is the one that I am pointing to with the yellow arrow, correct?

Thank you,[attachment=4506:IMG_2270_1 (Medium).JPG]
Hard to see in the pic, but that looks right.


Thanks, I appreciate your help Mike. I got it all back together and adjusted properly. I hadn't worked on drum brakes for 25 years, but as I put it back together, it all came back.

Thanks again...

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