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A Hinged door is needed......

Screaming Metal

Active Member
Hey guys.....need some input here.......gonna do the fiberglass body thing. I read about flipping the body over and reenforcing the top around the bucket. Let me know if ya'll think this will work.....

1. Get a piece of 14 ga. and attach the piece shaped like the side, but with a cutout for the door. Fasten this into place, have a small rod formed that will form the outter edge of the cutout, tack this in good....using this as a stiffener for the cutout area.
2. Then, measure my cutout, (using the sheetmetal piece that's fastened to the inside of the body now), cut my fiberglass door out. affix the 14 ga. panel I would've plasma-ed out....fasten this to the inside of the now cutout fiberglass door.
3. I could now mount my hinges and door handle.......

I'm getting kinda old, my knee's are just plain wore out, my back has seen its better days........I'd be looking mighty funny climbing in this thing :lol: and falling over the edge. I got enough knots on my head as it is!!!!!!:confused:
I used 1" square tube and welded up a frame work. Mounted the hinge and latches to it all. Then glassed it all into the body. Then after the glass all set up. THEN I cut the door out. Sanded the edges and got a perfect allignment. After you cut the glass you just undo the latch and the door swings open. I used a real Model T door hinge. It fit the body perfectly! :lol:
Ron, Have you thought about making that a new product for your business? Seems a lot of people (me included) need that kind of thing.
The problem is if you look at Rons body its not a standard T-Bucket body and the door is huge compared to standard one.
No it is not a problem at all. My body has a 8" strtech in the cowl area. From the windsheild back it is a standard bucket. When they made the body I ask that they back fill the area where the door is, so I could just sand off the outside ribs for the door outline. This could be done with any body if you wanted big doors.

The process I talked about saves a lot of trying align the door if you cut it out first. Fab all the parts inside the body and attach, THEN cut the body, it is all aligned.
Thanks guys for the input......The glassing in of that frame is a good one....think I'm gonna go that route......I'm gonna stretch the body a little anyway...and the oversize door will help with my getting in and out......I looked at the info at NTBA website.......since I gotta glass the door frame in anyway.......I'll be just a glassin' fool doing the body stretch.

On the you think 3/4 OSB or regular marine plywood????
Hey Ron....would be a good idea that Old Round Fart said........sell them to the folks that don't have the fab.facilities or knowhow.......anyway.....when ya gonna start selling the bracket kits for the frames??????
Screamin said:
I got all kinds of brackets in stock and can make any kind you might want. The only problem with a kit is some want a Total perch some want a CCR perch, some don't care. Then there is the steering box issue, Corvair, Vega, Mustang. So One kit would not fit all.

If you were to purchase all the brackets at one time, I am sure we could work out a discount for you.
One kit fits all.... That be the biggy right there... That is why when I decided to make plans for a T Bucket, I drove and tested mine to break as much as I possibly could, to try and at least make it as safe as I could.. and there is no pleasin everybody, as you can tell by reading this forum everyday... So, build what works for you and sell that, to heck with worring about all the rest, that is what I am going to do with the Jag rear ends.. a real good setup, MY WAY.. hehe RPM does some real great stuff and at very hard to beat price as well... :sofnny:
My old fiberglass Guy, He built my bodies for many years, asked if we were going to install doors, if so, He laid up a lot heaver side to that side of the body, and just used balsa wood to form a box effect all around, as a frame work, as He then glassed over that, made it real strong and still very light weight, he said one can use garden hose just as well, as it is the glass not the wood needed to give the added strength, same as boxing a frame, it is the box effect... :sofnny:
Thanks Ron....will do on that kit........hopefully I'll be ready for the BucketHead Bash this next year....if not....deffinitely that next one!!!!!:sofnny:
RPM said:
I got all kinds of brackets in stock and can make any kind you might want. The only problem with a kit is some want a Total perch some want a CCR perch, some don't care. Then there is the steering box issue, Corvair, Vega, Mustang. So One kit would not fit all.

If you were to purchase all the brackets at one time, I am sure we could work out a discount for you.

Ron, on the subject of steering boxes, which one would you guys suggest? I'm not gonna have the steering wheel sticking straight up....but more like the convential steering angle.......if I have to, I'll weld up some small universals on the steering shaft to get the right angle.

Any Ideas??????:confused:
Hey Ted....thanks Also!!!! Great Info! :D
Ron I read in some posts that some people have trouble with metal and fiberglass because of the differance of expansion rates. Have you noticed any problems with this in your door instalation.? ..Francis
I think that some folks get a bit carried away with trying to make these small LIGHT bodies waaaay stronger than NEEDED, after all what is it holding?? a fancy paint job and to hide your legs, other wise it is alomst like sittin on a rocket/log.. hehe Heck look at Jeeps, some use canvas doors... If I were to ever crash, I want out of there.. :welcome:
On the you think 3/4 OSB or regular marine plywood????

We used some OSB on John Jrs car and it sucks, well maybe not sucks but it seems to have issues. :sad:

maybe slick side down? I'm going with exterior ply covered in fibergoo :cool:
While I'm on a quest for knowdledge here.........and all you fine folks got all these years of experience in these 'Rocketlogs' :eek: as Ted Lovingly referred to...........
Is there an issue with these having seat belts? I realize that we drive these things on the street........I'm gonna have a rollbar in mine, cause I am gonna let it flex its muscles at times....:D....
What do you guys run for seatbelts??????????????
Be carefull about the roll bar. Some insurance companys won't insure you with a "Racing" roll bar, same thing with wheelie bars, parachutes, etc. Race car stuff. The insurance companies don't want race cars.

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