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a little unhappy.........

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I hafta agree with you Don, we have become a "Wal-Mart" society. we expect instant gratification......I'm just as guilty as the next guy.:o

I do apologize for bringing my discontent to a public forum, I should not have done that, but too late now:rolleyes:

lesson learned

No appoligies needed, Coupe. As a humanbeing, you have the given right to vent. Sometimes, it helps to get stuff out that is buggin' ya. Everyone has been there, man.

Well, I guess you could keep it all inside and let it fester like a boil, till nasty green and purple stuff ozzes out of your eye lids or your head explodes, but hey, that would just be a mess to clean up.:lol:
tfeverfred said:
nasty green and purple stuff ozzes out of your eye lids or your head explodes, but hey, that would just be a mess to clean up.:lol:

I think I hauled that Guy in a couple weeks ago :eek::lol::lol:

tfeverfred summed it up perfectly in my book.. I would have said the exact same thing except I most likely would have ommited the "nasty green and purple stuff ozzes out of your eye lids" part... :lol:

Don't ever feel bad about voicing something that is bugging you... One of the benefits of having a forum such as this is to discuss the good and bad experiences to others of the same interest.. Can't always be wonderful situations to report unfortunately.. What's important here is that you can make a posting and get feedback on it. This is not like those AOL or Yahoo boards were people sign on as a faceless name and stir up junk just because they can. This is a true community where everyone knows everyone else.. It makes for a big difference...

I've been trying to stay on top of the postings here and keep myself updated, but it certainly is difficult to do.. Unfortunately there are only so many hours in the day and it's tough to get back here regularily..
I can certainly sympathize with the supplier problems, etc. I'm in the trucking industry, and, had it not been for those nasty fuel surcharges, I would have been out of business two years ago, instead of last November (and the problem then wasn't fuel costs, but maintenance costs).

There are two kinds of companies that manage to do well when things get tough. There are those who don't care about their customers, so they just ease on the down the road, staying a few steps ahead of the villagers with the pitchforks. And then there are those who realize that more than anything else, people are willing to pay well for quality and service.

And just a word of advice: If you pay for something with a credit card and don't have it in your hands within 45 days, cancel the order or at least the payment. After 60 days, you have no recourse to your card company if you NEVER receive your product. I understand this is a special situation, involving special arrangements, and I have NEVER had a problem with TP, but I wouldn't want to get stuck with a $450 charge that it was impossible to reverse.

I appreciate Brian coming in and explaining. Circumstances in the industry right now are such that a reputable company that HAS business can do some heavy-duty negotiating, and it sounds like it might be time for that.
I ordered a step on June 25th. Called today july 9th to check on it the person onthe other end said order was just made on 25th! 2 weeks said will ship early next week.
I have to say you are not the ONLY ONE that has had problem with TP having stuff on backorder. It has happened to many, and its too many not to go unnoticed. It has happened to me and several others.

You call and order a part and they say it will go out today (or tomorrow). Then after about two weeks you call and tell them you have not received the part, what's up? Then they do some checking and come back on and say the part is on backorder and they will not get it for another 2 months. Then you ask was the part on backorder two weeks ago and they say yes. THEN you really get pissed and ask, Well then why didn't you tell me that when I ordered the friggin part in the first place.

Believe me, TP is VERY known for doing that and to many people. That is THE reason I do not buy from them anymore. I go elsewhere or make the part myself.
RPM said:
So did Vance ever get the parts he ordered, or what happened?

Nope, not yet.
supposedly shipped a week or so ago.

donsrods said:
Wow Vance, sorry to hear you still haven't gotten them. Can they give you a tracking number?


I dunno Don, I haven't called them yet, was giving the the benefit of the doubt. after all, they are in Conn. and I'm in TX:neutral:

hopefully they will show up today.

Well......the plot thickens.......

I just spoke with Pete, I guess they have not shipped yet:mad:
seems they "just got them" yesterday:rolleyes:
now they have to be "inspected" and I don't know what else.
I have been waiting since Feb.:sad:

I guess I should have bought a different axle that accepts "readily available" spindles......prolly would be driving it by now:eek:

I'm about to say the hell with this project, sell the body for scrap, and sell the frame to somebody that will actually be able to use it:mad::mad::mad:

anybody need a Super Bell axle that accepts "econoline" spindles??

Vance, I understand were you're coming from, but you've gone this far, stick with it man. Just think, you're 6 months closer now than you were last Feb. I lost my head once and did that, regreted it to this day.

RPM said:
Is that axle a tube or I beam axle? If it is a tube axle I can cut the ends out rejig it and put some 40 Ford ends on it for you.

Unfortunatly its an I-beam:mad:

I called back to cancel the order, got ahold of Jim. I guess they DID ship last week, 7-2 to be exact. and according to Jim, UPS delivered them today, left them on my porch, which is impossible, because the gate is locked, and my 160 lb Rottweiler is not too friendly with strangers:eek:
so I guess they are sitting by the gate, in the figures.....the only day it rains in Amarillo, and my spindles are sitting out in it:o

so I guess I'll see when I get home tonight

Youngster said:
Vance, I understand were you're coming from, but you've gone this far, stick with it man. Just think, you're 6 months closer now than you were last Feb. I lost my head once and did that, regreted it to this day.


Thanks for the encouraging words....believe me I'm having a whole bushel basket full of regrets right now :mad:

its just very frustrating when you call and get 4 different answers from 3 different people.

If it's a Super bell tube, the ends, down past the spring perch holes are forged. You might be able to bore the I.D. out and sleeve it.

I understand that too. Try this...ask 4 people here what to do. I'd be willing to bet you would get 4 matching answers. Hang in there baby!

Youngster said:
If it's a Super bell tube, the ends, down past the spring perch holes are forged. You might be able to bore the I.D. out and sleeve it.


Super Bell I-beam axle.
I was told that I-beam was the way to go, so I went:lol:

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