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An old newbie


New Member
This forum was recommended to me by someone on the HAMB. I think its appropriate, since I am in the midst of building a fiberglass "T" touring. Right now it's a roller, and will have a '50 Merc with a '50 Ford overdrive transmission when done. I have been collecting parts for years now and started this a couple of years ago. I'm at kind of a standstill now, because I turned 65 and retired at just the wrong time. Hopefully the real estate market will come back and I'll be able to straighten out the mess I have changing homes.

All in all, just glad to be here.:blush:
Welcome to the forum Tubman, you're going to find yourself in good company with other older and retired guys.
welcome tubman. pull up a chair and join in anytime

Welcome, I understand the being retired and the real estate market problem. I have four rental properties I would like to sell, but not in this market. In the mean time I look at PHOTOS. Good luck on the project and your retirement.
Welcome, you'll love the lack of drama here. Congrats on retiring, just remember to stay busy.
WELCOME There is never a wrong time to retire!!!!!!!!! Enjoy this site as we do!!
You will like this site ,I read it almost ever day. so join in & enjoy. I'am also a retired ''t'' bucket owner. hope you enjoy retirement.........
Glad to have ya aboard!:D Now.......PICS!:lol: Yea, we like tha pics.

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