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Auto-cancel Turn Signal Design

And now for something completely different: a short movie of our flasher and relay, on the breadboard:

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NICE, wish I could do things like this with electronics !!!
That is cool! Have you decided how to market it? Need to enter it in the NSRA safety products completion.
ORF, I have no idea. I'm an engineer; I know how to build it, but I've never sold anything. I'll post the schematic for anyone who wants to DIY, and, if there is any interest, I might put together a kit of parts for those who can solder. Maybe even complete tested units. Any ideas re marketing are most welcome.
Nice work PvG, "I tips me Lid" to those like you that understand this stuff. I can find my way round most of a cars wiring but the electronics leaves me scratching my head.
In another life I was foreman in a go kart manufacturer. Learned a little about manufacturing plus I built and sold t bucket kits. When you get the schematic done I’ll buy one and see what I can do with it. Once I see what it takes I’ll try to make us some money! Lol
The circuit is designed and tested. Now comes the hard part: packaging it:
...but I think it will be a good unit, better and cheaper than anything else on the market.
The circuit is designed and tested. Now comes the hard part: packaging it:
...but I think it will be a good unit, better and cheaper than anything else on the market.
It’s cool to see you bread boarding circuits. I haven’t used a bread board since I studied at DeVry. I’m too busy doing other stuff. I used to really enjoy creating and developing useful things.
Potvin Guy - I would be interested in a kit or a completed unit depending on pricing.
Can you make a printed ckt board to make it easier to produce?
That's probably a pipe dream, ORF. I wouldn't know where to start, but it would for sure add some cost and time to the project. Unless someone ordered a hundred units, in which case I might take a serious look:geek:
It’s cool to see you bread boarding circuits. I haven’t used a bread board since I studied at DeVry. I’m too busy doing other stuff. I used to really enjoy creating and developing useful things.
These breadboards are 40 years old. I guess I got my money's worth out of them!
Potvin Guy - I would be interested in a kit or a completed unit depending on pricing.
I think I'll do complete and tested units. It still has to be wired into the car, and if a problem appears it will be easier to track down knowing the unit is OK. I'm hoping to have a unit done and tested in my car before the year is out. And I think you'll like the price; I still have to finalize the parts list to nail the price, but expect to beat anything else on the market by a lot. Stay tuned.
I think there would be several people that would like to know the dimensions for the project box.

Just how much room will be needed for your auto-canceling signals?

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