Garage Merch                Ron Pope Motorsports                California Custom Roadsters               

Big redo of the old bucket

I screen printed some t shirts in the mid '70's and it is very easy. Costs a little to get set up, but real cheap to do. the screen you will need will be very small so not a problem. If I remember we got the screen, put the mask film on it, exposed the film through a mask and that set the film. Then solvent washed the unwanted film away and we were ready to print. Put the ink on the screen, squeegee it one pass and let it dry. Easy!
Ah, were those hippie shirts with psychedelic rock lyrics and drug anthems? Good for you, I probably wore some of them.
Took the bucket for a first-ever 4-wheel alignment today, at Andover, MN, 35 miles from house. And it was 35 degrees out, so:

My ski suit, balaclava (not the Greek pastry), biker cap, ski goggles. Makes for a cozy ride, but why do other drivers stare so?

The shop is owned and operated by a young couple who don’t use computerized machines, and they welcome hot rods. I knew things would be off. The IRS was ½” toe out and they reset it to 1/8” and zeroed the thrust angle. Front was ½” toe in, and reset that to 1/8”. Also tightened tie rod ends, found a broken bolt (one of four that mount the rear end to the frame) and straightened the steering wheel. Driving home it felt like a new car, and I felt like a new man…a really old new man.

Then put it up for the winter. Drained water, and put the battery in the house on a trickle charger. Got lots of stuff to do to it, will probably get 1/2 done. Stay tuned.
WOW, 35 degrees! I'm shivering just thinking about that. You are a hearty soul to drive your T in that kind of weather and my hat is off to you my man!


P.S. What is a "balaclava", inquiring minds want to know? LOL
Thanks to both of you for the answer.

I tell you guys, she can't weld a straight line or lay down fiberglass. What's an old rodder to do?

Iroct...Oh, I get it. I should borrow her sweater. Thanks for the tip.
I tell you guys, she can't weld a straight line or lay down fiberglass. What's an old rodder to do?

Oh well! I'll be the first to say it! Just send her to me. I hate to see a man miserable! LOL
See, here she is pretending to use a wrench:

I'm at my wits end. ORF, expect a large crate at your door, marked "FRAGILE." (she's French, you know)
I hope she comes with an instruction booklet, nowadays we need one!:D
Ha Ha! Thought I was dead, heh? No, I was just resting in my box of dirt from the old country. Here's my winter punch list on the windshield:

...that's single-spaced typed, about 35 items. Should get maybe 1/2 of them done.
Here I've added some chrome tubes to hide the injector wiring:

...and Moon water temp gauges, one for each head. Why two? I'm wondering if the head temps match.

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