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Big redo of the old bucket

Got one of these for the bucket: Will power my GPS and phone and something else, like a plug-in trouble light.
Very interesting. When I first posted, the images appeared, but now are gone. Let's try it this way: and
OK, mounted the panel and the light:

Reads the battery voltage, has 2 USBs for my GPS and phone, and a 12v outlet for the LED map light. I might make it to the Nats after all.
NOTE: I was checking voltages and found that I was losing 1.5v across the solid state relay I was using for a primary power switch. So I'm swapping in an ordinary relay.
See the note in electrical articles.
You have some high tech electronics Mr. Potvin, Norm Grabowski would be blown away.
I met Norm at the T Nats some years ago. Referring to his bucket in the TV show 77 Sunset Strip, I said "this is all your fault!" He looked at my car and just shook his head.
Very professional looking.
Gerry, do you brits watch American TV as much as we colonists watch your TV? Do you know what Acorn is?
And now for a fish(y) story. The throttle on the bucket has been sticky. When I take my foot off, it won't go all the way back to idle unless I put my foot under the pedal and pull it up. So I took it apart this week and found this:

That is the Lokar throttle cable that attaches to the foot pedal. It goes over a pulley to change direction 90°, and the stainless steel braided cable doesn't like to be constantly bending. I know that now, but it didn't occur to me when I built it. I drove back from the T Nats Springfield with this. Just 3 strands of cable left. I replaced it yesterday line! I thought "what is strong and flexible?" and fishing line came to mind. Went to Cabelas and got some 65# test line and threaded it thru the cable housing. Drove it to the cruise last night. It only takes a few pounds to move the throttle; why do we need a SS cable that could lift Whoopy Goldberg off her fat ass? So Doc Smith Labs has a new product: the Original Fishing Line Throttle Cable.
You must be living right to get home on that!!! You also lucky that did jam inside the cable
housing or was it the part sticky out of the housing?

I would have thought fishing line would be too stretchy, but if it's as light as you say, then
there would be essentially no stretch.

How did you attach the fishing line to the SS line?
Hi Indy. It was the part that sticks out of the housing. I didn't attach the fish line to the SS line, I replaced the whole SS line with the fish line, from the throttle pedal to the throttle body. And just tied it at each end! Sounds really rat rod, but it seems to work fine. I'll report any problems.
Sounds like a good fix. I think it'll hold up, as long as it's not exposed to UV too much. I use it to hang a bird feeder in the back yard, and have to replace it every couple years when it breaks, I assume due to UV exposure. I believe it is also subject to abrasion. So . . . just keep an eye on it.:thumbsup:

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