YA but -MR -N-- got the boot for wayyyyy less not good!!!
You know, Allen, you're proving you really have no clue what you're talking about. Just to make you aware, you're starting to attract a lot more of my attention than you might want. You're managing to grate on my last good nerve, so give your continued forum membership some extremely careful consideration before you wade back in here, cracking wise. If I really require someone to show their backside, trust I will ask someone to do just that. Until then, pull your shirt down.
I've been trying to deal with what I felt was a serious issue for some of these folks. I see one of your messages saying you cannot log into the forum, but you've provided precisely zero details. If you've something of value to add to this discussion, then get on with it. If you've nothing to share but disinformation, then go share it elsewhere.
For your personal edification, "Mr. N" received a warning and elected to ignore it, by his own admission. And now, you've had your warning. All that remains is to see how you choose to deal with it.
Corley, thank you for extending the apology.
Jay, that image was OTT. I've removed it. I don't mind anyone wanting to tease at someone over brand choices (I choose to drive Mopars, myself, so bring it! :winkn

, but the language that would have expressed what your image illustrated would have been unacceptable for this forum. That made the image unacceptable, as well. I tried to post that Corley was just trying to give me a hand, back in post #53, but by that time things were already starting to jump off between the pair of you. It was a case of too little, too late.
Now, with that all out of the way, let's try to get back to the topic at hand.
John, I've used over 40 combinations of computers, operating systems and browsers and haven't had any problems either. But all that has done is demonstrate there is something happening with 10 or 12 systems that we still cannot understand or explain. As for the popcorn smiley, I can't let anyone else get a leg up on us. So, after you've finished with the popcorn

opcorn:, be sure to grab yourself a slice.

izza: I can't have you fellows going away hungry, can I?
Gerry, I purposely disabled the sliding login feature, just to narrow down the possibilities. Since it's been playing nice for months, I doubt it will make any difference. But, the fact that I had made no changes for a week prior to this problem cropping up has me looking at any possibility. If you prefer to call it clutching at straws, feel free, because that is pretty much where I am in all of this.
What I would really like is for someone who has a system/browser that would not allow a login to please try using that combination now, to see if the sliding login feature might have been causing the problem on the affected system. Lee, would you be so kind as to give it a try when you go back to work? Martin, Corley, Steve, anyone that will give it a try and let me know what did or did not happen, I would appreciate it.