Then I'm in good companyI'm the same way Zandoz.

Then I'm in good companyI'm the same way Zandoz.
Here's pic of my front shock setup. 10 degree off vertical inboard. Use RPM mounts and shackle plates. .......
View attachment 11142
I don't think you'll have much of an issue, but if you're stuck on this, get some shocks with spherical bearings instead of bushings. They will cost more, but your mind can move on to the next problem. shock mounts are vertical; head is over inside of frame. Mounts are 3/8's steel plate fab'd by RPM. They do not deflect! Bolted to the frame with three through bolts. You could lift the car with them.
View attachment 11143 Here is drawing of shock mount installation. If by crush tubes you mean tubes that would prevent the frame from deforming the answer is NO and they would not be needed. Frame won't crush with tension normally applied to 1/4 bolts.
Just so we are on the same page here.....crush means permanent deformation as when one crushes a soda can. If the frame crushed then the bolt would never be tight. There is elastic deformation in the vicinity of the bolt head, about 0.007". The Spirit frames are 3/16 wall 2x3 tube. Very tough steel; I do not know the grade. It is not mild steel. It was difficult to drill and tap.