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cheep seats


i was looking for seat foam for my t and priced new , then i was looking for other opitions [cheap or free] i found the back seat out of 73 -91 chey surb. seat was the right size and looked like good . the foam is in great shape because the seat is usually folded up,and with tinted windows no uv problem .i must not be the first,? tks rick
Lots of seats seem to fit, I have heard of lots of guys using Rear seats out of Jeep Universals (or C-J series), mini vans, and other small cars....."BH"
Heck ya, if it fits and you like the way it looks, use it.

i was looking for seat foam for my t and priced new , then i was looking for other opitions [cheap or free] i found the back seat out of 73 -91 chey surb. seat was the right size and looked like good . the foam is in great shape because the seat is usually folded up,and with tinted windows no uv problem .i must not be the first,? tks rick

Ya got pics? :welcome:
sorry i didn't explain it ,i only used the foam not any hardware from the sub. the rear seat foam is put on my plywood seat supports, it's allmost 6 inches high for the base tapering back to about 3.5 the back seat foam is allmost 4 inches thick tks rick

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