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Collapsible Steering Column


Well-Known Member
I don't remember this ever coming up, but it must have a few times. We recently sold this
CSC at Advance Auto for over $300, but it's available for on Rock Auto for $185. For those
steering columns that come thru the firewall, this might be something to consider. But as
the column gets closer to vertical the less something like this would be of any help.

The overall length is about 11 inches.

Dorman Products

upload_2020-11-4_16-37-39.png upload_2020-11-4_16-39-45.png

More Options:
Lots of options at the ole bone yard too. Not so much now, but I used to build a lot of stuff with bone yard parts.
Yea that's why I included the fitment list of vehicles, so one could grab it off an Pull-A-Part or
LKQ salvage yard. Got to wonder how hard it would be to remove it from a vehicle. Once upon
a time, that's all there was to work with, creative problem solving ....... not buy and install !

Has anyone on the forum considered or installed a CSC ???
Upon further research a CSC can be had new for only $42 or for Dorman it's $69 at RockAuto, but it's 13.25 inches long and fits a.....




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