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cooters T bucket build

The reality is that the shock movement will only be 2 to 3 inches of rebound and compression.
Try finding the true shock stroke, divide by two, set the length ( full rebound to full compression could be 6 inches, divided by two will give you a mid point to set the shock length [compress shock shaft then extend three inches for mid stroke] and measure what the true shock length is. Then and only then can brackets be calculated and constructed. the mid point will be the sweet spot where the shock was designed to function.
I also would not assume that both shocks are the same with matching mid points (manufacturing error).
Measure them individually and if they do not match, get different front shocks (perhaps upgraded).

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Cooter, My shocks measure 11 1/4 extended, and 9 1/2 in the middle position 4" total travel. They have #2084 stamped on the housing, along with Pete and Jakes name.
Speedway also shows some that are 10 1/2 extended and 7 1/2 compressed. Part # 91046213
I have Pete and Jakes 2084s also. Their web site shows 2084 with 11.250" extended, 7.875" compressed which would be 3.375" travel.

Another option, which I'm using on new CCR car under construction is SoCal Speed Shop P08181 which measures 11.250" extended with 3.5" travel.

Im still tryin to squeeze the shock bottom in... Need a small diameter shock. Making a cup now. Ill post a pic.
see what im tryin to do
JMHO, but I think that will need some kind of gusseting...or extend the shock bolt and make a small dog bone to go between the shock bolt and the nearest shackle bolt. With the shock being off-center of the sole supporting shackle plate, I'd expect failure at the joint.
Could you use the lower radius rod?

The more I think about it, the more I think the best fix would be to modify or replace the spring perch to move the whole axle assembly forward a bit, leaving more room in front of the frame end and crossmember.

Again, JMHO.
The more I think about it, the more I think the best fix would be to modify or replace the spring perch to move the whole axle assembly forward a bit, leaving more room in front of the frame end and crossmember.

Again, JMHO.

I agree. Then cooter, you could stick with your original tie rod holes too.

Break out the cutoff wheels.

I've had to do it a million times on my build.
can i use a long bolt here/ me and mountainman done kicked this around. speedway sells a shackle loke this but it has a head between shock and strap wich moves shock into frame. can i do this or would i have to tighten it so tight the shackle wouldnt work?
Wouldn't these work?
speedway shock is 1 5/8 at bushing.. hours on computer thinkin outside box tryin to squeeze some room. i need to design a shock for this one spot.
Or a bearing. 5/8" wide? 3/4" wide?

They seem to all be pretty long though.

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