Generally speaking , the single batwing/clevis arrangement puts the bolt in double shear & is m/l the standard..going to double batmings is used when going to a 4-link arrangement w/bushings... , I see no advantage to double batwings in his situationMr Pope & any one else with an opinion.
Would it be better to run two bat wings per side with the clevis replaced with a spherical end. Kind of like a double shear mount?
i thought about it.. look cleaner this way. shocks look better leaned in instead of straight up and down.Could you mount the down leg of the mount on the outside of the frame ... nutserts would make it pretty easy ...
last pic sucks.. camera kept focusing in the distance. grrrr
Most cameras focus on what's in the center of the picture. But many
cameras will also focus will the button pushed half way down, then
move the camera to recompose the picture, then push the button the
rest of the way down. Wahla you have a focused picture !!![/QUOTEcamera phone