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Disc brake kits


New Member
hey guys newbie here, i'm buying my 1st T bucket and its set up old school rear brakes only, who sells a good inexpensive kit for adding some grippers to the front end? thanx
hey guys newbie here, i'm buying my 1st T bucket and its set up old school rear brakes only, who sells a good inexpensive kit for adding some grippers to the front end? thanx
First off welcome to the forum.What kind of wheels are you going to use?wires?
Welcome to the site We require pics of your bucket.
hey guys newbie here, i'm buying my 1st T bucket and its set up old school rear brakes only, who sells a good inexpensive kit for adding some grippers to the front end? thanx

Hi Tbag, Tbucket. You might want to introduce yourself on the introduction section for best response. Just me here.
Hi Tbag, welcome to the site. As always pictures are optional but most appreciated. Rick is right in asking what you have now vs what you want. Don't forget that you will probably need a new master cylinder plus other bits and pieces. As always, see Ron @ RPM (advertiser here), he set you up. Come to think of it, if you car is a Performance Product T, contact Wintec Fabrication (another advertiser). Both knowledgeable people and always ready to help.

thanx for the welcome, right now she has the old school magnesium spokes, do you guys recommend going to a wider tire? or are these okay for freeway driving?
First off welcome to the forum.What kind of wheels are you going to use?wires?
thanx john i'll get pics of her up in a day or so,
Hi Tbag, welcome to the site. As always pictures are optional but most appreciated. Rick is right in asking what you have now vs what you want. Don't forget that you will probably need a new master cylinder plus other bits and pieces. As always, see Ron @ RPM (advertiser here), he set you up. Come to think of it, if you car is a Performance Product T, contact Wintec Fabrication (another advertiser). Both knowledgeable people and always ready to help.

Hi Tbag, welcome to the site. As always pictures are optional but most appreciated. Rick is right in asking what you have now vs what you want. Don't forget that you will probably need a new master cylinder plus other bits and pieces. As always, see Ron @ RPM (advertiser here), he set you up. Come to think of it, if you car is a Performance Product T, contact Wintec Fabrication (another advertiser). Both knowledgeable people and always ready to help.

John ya got the words messed up just a tad it's A Total Performance Product no big deal buti had to scratch my balding head for a

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