Clamped the two steering arms together and drilled the first hole thru both arms, then I took them apart and finished drilling them. Since they were already polished, I used masking tape to protect the surfaces.

I made a big mistake by using a ceramic wax on the adapters wanting to marvel at my polishing work before shooting them with Cerakote. Even thou I thought I used Acetone and I'm certain I used Hot water and Dawn dish soap and washed them, I still had trouble.
Since there is NO chemical that will take Cerakote off, I had to sand it off. Which gave me another opportunity to do an even better job this time. I didn't spin them with the drill press, but did it the old fashion way .... by hand!!!
Yes that's right .... Brake Kleen, Acetone, Alcohol and Brake Fluid will not touch Cerakote MC-5100 once it's cured, this means you have about 10 minutes at best.
My hanger for the steering arm was some 12 gauge solid wire with insulation ..... another mistake I made. Previous paint flaked off while I was handling it during shooting and fell into the Cerakote so I had to do one of those over also.
The one steering arm and two brake adapters turned out to be my best parts !!!

No matter how hard I try you can still see scratches ...... oh well !
I still have to polish the hubs, not totally sure how I'm going to go about this shape. My only thoughts are using cross buffs to get into all those dead end corners, mainly on the back side. Cross Buffs are not cheap.
Or I could just take it to my guy in Blanchard Oklahoma, he did my gas tank (Coors Beer Keg). Now there's a thought!!!
Cross Buff Link: