Thanks. Well, it offers almost no protection, but I am used to it........I drove my '27 almost daily for 7 years, and the windshield is chopped just about as low. I have to wear sunglasses even at night, but that is no problem for might be for some though. My Son and I made the drive to Billetproof in Ocala, via I 75, and I also drove the car to Daytona last November. Each time it was about 5 hours each way at 65-70 mph, and it was not that unpleasant. But, I'm a diehard roadster guy!

I actually built that windshield because I wanted the car to resemble an old time modified sort of. I bought an unknown old car windshield on Ebay one time and used the top portion turned upside down to make the glass frame work. Then I cut off the original posts and welded them to some flat steel plate and painted the whole thing black.
Here are some pictures to give you some idea of how I did it, and also what it looks like with us going down the road. The last picture was my Son and I at Billetproof. As you can see, it was a little wet!
This is the windshield as I got it from Ebay.
This is the portion I saved.
These are the brackets I made up to weld to the chopped off posts.
Here is the welded up frame installed the first time.
And here we are driving down the road. If anything, the windshield deflects the air upward somewhat, over our heads.....but not 100%.