You are absolutely right. I see posts on different forums all the time where some new to the hobby guy is saying he wants to build his first hot rod, and I usually recommend they buy someone else's cast off project or a running car the first time, and then make it their own. They don't realize what it takes to build a car from the ground up. It's expensive, time consuming, and requires a fair amount of skill and equipment to do it right. You usually end up with more in tools and equipment than the actual car itself!!
For the $ 9800 this guy wants you would have to spend twice that probably to put together a comparable car. Sure, it is a little worn in spots and needs the handling issues taken care of, but it sure beats spending a year or two or more cutting and grinding and painting, when you could be driving around and enjoying it instead.
I'm not saying people shouldn't build their own cars, just the opposite. But for the very first one, for someone who has never done one, I think going this route makes so much more sense. How many times do guys jump in and start building one from scratch then realize they are in over their heads and bail out at a big loss?
Good point Youngster.