turbo minivan
New Member
i thought you guys might appreciate this find.
im not sure if its an ed-roth original. from what ive read, he made and sold these as "surfer helmets" in the mid/late 60s for about 3$ each with a liner.
it seems that Eds were made of molded plastic after he bought a mold from a movie set company who had used it to cast helmets for a war movie back in the day.
anyway, i found this at an antique shop the other day and wasn't gona go home without it. this one is sprayed fiberglass. rather thick, kinda heavy, and real sturdy. looks to have been primed with a light green paint then coated crudely with a thick coat of semi-flat black. maby its not one of Eds castings, but from what i can tell comparing it to others on line, its DEFIANTLY from the same mold that Ed used for his. either way, very cool and sure worth 68$ canadian.
the paint is in great shape, but looks to have had a few stress cracks from typical fiberglass aging.
im planning on making a plaster mold using this helmet (dont worry, i wont wreck it) so i can fiberglass more. if your interested in me making you one, let me know and ill let you know how they turn out.
im not sure if its an ed-roth original. from what ive read, he made and sold these as "surfer helmets" in the mid/late 60s for about 3$ each with a liner.
it seems that Eds were made of molded plastic after he bought a mold from a movie set company who had used it to cast helmets for a war movie back in the day.
anyway, i found this at an antique shop the other day and wasn't gona go home without it. this one is sprayed fiberglass. rather thick, kinda heavy, and real sturdy. looks to have been primed with a light green paint then coated crudely with a thick coat of semi-flat black. maby its not one of Eds castings, but from what i can tell comparing it to others on line, its DEFIANTLY from the same mold that Ed used for his. either way, very cool and sure worth 68$ canadian.

the paint is in great shape, but looks to have had a few stress cracks from typical fiberglass aging.

im planning on making a plaster mold using this helmet (dont worry, i wont wreck it) so i can fiberglass more. if your interested in me making you one, let me know and ill let you know how they turn out.