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Wanted Enclosed Car Trailer

Yes, I've seen that TV ad also. You can kinda see an outline of the trailer. Very cool!
T-Test wrote,
And no way in hell would I pay $500.00-$800.00 for 2 mirrors just to back a trailer when all I need is 1 spotter to guide me. Most of us have a (partner) (child)!
I was towing a caravan to different parts of the Country at the time. By law you have to be able to see down the sides of the van with the mirrors in Aus, so the extendable mirrors did the job real well. I was lucky, the mirrors only cost me a few hrs labour and about $25.00 in materials at the time.
I have 4 section of 5 foot E-Track to mount on the walls. I have my old tool chest that will be permanent in the trailer and a tire for reference.

The ceiling is 76 inches, so I divided it into 3rd. The tracks are 19" from the ceiling and floor, with the 3rd track is in the middle at 38".

Comments, good or bad please !


Inside the wall is the vertical braces that I think are shaped like the drawing below. Although this was only a verbal conversation with R&M Race Trailers and I never got to see the sample he had in the office.

It would be very useful to know if this is a shape used in trailer construction and what the dimensions would be so I can attach the E-Track to every 16" vertical brace.. My stud finder shows it to be about 3" wide total. Anyone ever use a stud finder for a metal brace behind 3/8" plywood ?

Which side faces the inside ..... side 1 or side 2 ?

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Before you mount that in permanently, I recommend seeing how your bucket fits with the tool chest. My passenger side has a door, which would not be usable with the chest, as shown.

Regarding the vertical posts, usually the rear corners of the interior can be removed to fix bad brake lights. If you remove one of those panels, you should be able to see the stud shape.
I did that a couple of days ago. The lower box is 14 inches deep and that's about what I have between the front tire and the wall. If I need to I can place the toolbox closer the front and avoid the front tire altogether.


Regarding the vertical posts, usually the
rear corners of the interior can be removed to fix bad brake lights. If you remove one of those panels,
you should be able to see the stud shape.

I don't see a removable panel. The lights are LEDs and are just screwed to the trailer skin. But that was a good suggestion.
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For what it’s worth my race trailer had the toolbox mounted forward of the side door at 90’ degrees so I could access it from the ground outside the trailer. Then again I had 44’ to play with! Lol
The paneling looks to have a finish of some kind on it. Sure looks good.

I wasn't going to do anything to the walls until my brother said we should put a couple of
coats of Minwax Spar Urethane varnish (Oil Base) on it. So we did, but then I thought it
needed a 3rd coat, so I put one more on it.

My Bucket fits just like yours on the wheel-wells. I have about one inch on each side of the rear tires. I never measured it before I ordered the trailer. "God watches over children and fools".
I have about one inch on each side of the rear tires.
Mine fits tighter than yours, I'm touching on both side and the sidewalls are compressed about a 1/4". Hopefully with tools and such in the front I can get the proper tongue weight without loading the bucket with the rear tires inside the wheel wells.

I bought the Better Weigh, so we will see.

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