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Fuel prices

My sister has a picture of our grandfathers garage with a Model T parked in front with a sign that says "10 gallons for $1.00"
That’s one of the things I miss, true service stations with lifts, tire machines, etc... had a friend who owned the Marathon station at port Columbus in the ‘80’s... always thought that would be a cool investment. He basically spent all of his awake hours there. The end of an era at the time.
We're currently paying $1.39 Au per Litre down under, converts to $5.26 US Gal. (3.79L in a US Gal)
I worked at Chevron station the last two years of high school and the price was 17 cents per gallon. We washed all the windows, checked everything under the hood, tire pressure all around and then handed them a drinking glass when they paid with cash, no credit cards them days....
I worked at a Shell station back during high school days. $1.25 per hour to start. Gas was .29/ gallon. Once in a while there would be a gas war and the price dropped to .19-.21 / gallon. Like lincolnT said, you washed the windows, checked the water and oil and checked the tire pressure. All that because they bought 2 bucks worth of gas! "Gimme 2 bucks on the regular and check under the hood!" Bite me!
The stories that could be told...…….Some of the windshields got lots cleaner if the women had short shorts or not very concerned about how they sat in the car...….when you are 17 or 18 anything works......I had better quit while I am ahead...…...LOL...…...Back in those days those more TBA that was sold the better the pay...…..Damn I started out at .75 cents per hr. and we detailed cars all days for 1.50 per car...…..
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I worked at a Shell station back during high school days. $1.25 per hour to start. Gas was .29/ gallon. Once in a while there would be a gas war and the price dropped to .19-.21 / gallon. Like lincolnT said, you washed the windows, checked the water and oil and checked the tire pressure. All that because they bought 2 bucks worth of gas! "Gimme 2 bucks on the regular and check under the hood!" Bite me!

I had a VW Bug in 1971 and sometimes the gas was so cheap I could not get two bucks worth of gas in it.
Curious..what stations in US sell high octane? Still fixing bucket and haven't bought gas for it yet. Daily driver...Sam's..
To fill my PT cost $85 buds Merc 150 plus... we are living the dreammmmmm
With the gas buddy I was made a offer to me pay $49 and for a year get 20 cents off a gallon but only 40 gallons a month but if you add that up comes to a $100 , plus when I run out of the 40 gallons I still get 5 cents off this is the normal savings , I try to only use 10 gallons a week in my 2017 Ram but not always able to make it .
Our fine Governor of Illinois just doubled our gas tax as of July 1st. to fix the roads and bridges! We’ll see.
Ours went through the roof here in Ohio. Just paid 3.69 for premium for the bike, regular blended is between 2.59-2.89 and I can’t figure out why there is such a gap... greed, I guess.

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