Garage Merch                Ron Pope Motorsports                California Custom Roadsters               

Fuel prices

Regular 2.45 by my house in Naples, Florida. Always higher here but not as high as California.
Chicago is $2.99 for regular. I’m about 35 miles northwest of Chicago. Here regular is 2.69/ gallon and they want to add 4 cents per gallon tax to help pay for roads. That’s on top of the .19 cent tax increase that went into place July 1st!
Got to love Illinois!
Just filled my little green Mustang, $3.15 for 93, which has been pretty stable for at least the past year or so.
I saw an Exxon with $1.89 for regular in the West side of Houston this morning. My pickup pulling a trailer got the $2.14 mid-grade.
Paid $4.15 for 91 in Fillmore, CA on 9/7. Most of SoCal has 91 for $3.75 - $4.
Don't kid yourself... Our gas prices are what they are BECAUSE of taxes. They keep raising fuel taxes to "fix the roads", then divert the funds elsewhere. The bonehead UN-informed voters of the state voted in a real beauty last year, allowing the state to raise the gas tax any time they see fit, and basically spend it on anything they like w/o having to put it out for a vote. This is what happens when you have a state where more people vote for a living than work for a living.
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Was working in Phoenix this week, where gas went up...

Then back to good old California where fuel taxes keep getting re-directed to fund everything BUT the road repairs they're supposed to...

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