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Hello from CT


New Member
I've always wanted to build a T-Bucket. My state DMV laws make it incredibly hard to build and register a car. I'm currently restoring a 50 Chevy sedan. One of these days I will build a T. I've learned alot in the Chevy build and I may be able to build a T and get it on the road without all the hassles. This is a great site. Todd

Welcome to the site. This is a great place for info on just about any type of hot rod. Stick to your dream of building a Bucket. I did and now I'm in the embryo stage of my build. Post up pix's of your project anyway and GL with your build.

Hello Todd!

And :wall: to the fourms!

I'm building a bucket now, and will soon have to deal with the state, I'm not looking forward to it. BUt I see others that have gotten their buckets though CT so Im gona go for it.

WHat part of CT are you from?
South Eastern, North Stonington to be exact

bentbaggerlen said:
Hello Todd!

And :wall: to the fourms!

I'm building a bucket now, and will soon have to deal with the state, I'm not looking forward to it. BUt I see others that have gotten their buckets though CT so Im gona go for it.

WHat part of CT are you from?
Welcome to the forum Todd, this is the place to be if you're interested in T buckets.
This may sound like I'm talking to myself, But...........
Welcome Todd! You just have to look the state right in the eye and say "fick dich" and build the bucket.
You found here from there also hey TugMaster!Welcome this is a great place lots of nice folks here and no drama!Some time this spring I'm planning on doing a Meet N Greet here in the North East Corner for anyone one from the Tri State region interested in coming so who interested in a back yard BBQ?
I was at Mark's cruse night and ran into a guy that had just gotten his bucket though the CT DMV inquisition, he said it was'nt as bad as he expected. He did have to trailer the car to the inspection station, they inspected the car and failed it. Giving him a list of things that had to fixed or changed. A week latter he trailered the car back to get it reinspected. They did not even look at the car. They asked him "Did you fix everything?" he said "Yes" and they handed him the paper work.
I only hope mine gose as well.
Leon renaud said:
You found here from there also hey TugMaster!Welcome this is a great place lots of nice folks here and no drama!Some time this spring I'm planning on doing a Meet N Greet here in the North East Corner for anyone one from the Tri State region interested in coming so who interested in a back yard BBQ?


Just say when and where and I'll be there. Todd

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