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Hello from Las Vegas


New Member
Newbie here don't have a T-bucket YET but getting close, wanted to educate myself more before I settle on the one I am looking at.Pretty much what I should look for, Suspension, setup, etc.

All info is appreciated!

welcome, lots of info here, read every thing you can, and ask questions on thing you need to know, everyone is really helpful here.
Hi Rick, :faint: welcome from Henderson. Good luck on your quest. I see one on Craigslist every now and then.
welcome to the site rick. lots of great info here plus the best Tbucket brotherhood on the planet. ask as many questions as you can think of. someone will have an answer for you, i guarantee it!

Welcome....a great city for a T.....Good weather good looking Women, Well some of them anyways...
Some great people on this site if you need info.
Enjoy the ride.
Welcome. Before you get to far along on a project, look for a post I made today, in the lounge, about titling/ registering your T in Nevada. Might wanna buy a fixer upper.

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