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Hello From the flat lands of Kansas


New Member
Hello, I found a link to this site on another hot rod forum, and after reading a few posts decided to join up. The more information I can gather from both you all and the other, I should be able to build a great rod. The first hot rod I had rode in and drove was a T-bucket. The steering was sloppy, the brakes were shot, and it scared the sh....well bad. But it was fun also. My plans are to build a '26 - '27 lakes mod or similar car. Much like Blackie Gejeian's roadster. Right now I just have a dream, an Idea of what I want, everyone here's knowledge I hope to build a great car. I hope to contribute whatever I can to everyone's projects as well.:lol:
Welcome to the best forum on buckets in the world! You will find any question will generate many ways of getting the thing done as well as reasons to consider other ways to get there. What part ok Kansas are you from? I thought Kansas was all flat!
We did but rooster scared them off..they thought he was too cocky :razz:
:welcome:Maybe they saw Rooster doing the chicken dance.
Your killin me and if they did see the dance we would be beatin them off with a stick. It might be a 10 foot stick but a stick all the same.!!!!
I grew up a Jayhawker (this is the correct term) but when i came of age they ask me to leave.
old round fart said:
Welcome to the best forum on buckets in the world! You will find any question will generate many ways of getting the thing done as well as reasons to consider other ways to get there.

I couldnt agree more!!! You wont find better knowledge or experience then you will on this site!!!!

Back in the late 60's, when I lived in Kiowa, I chased a friend of mine 17mi at nite, in my new '68 GTO. I was rockin about 120. When he finally pulled over, I discovered, it wasn't my friend. I had been chasing a Kansas State trooper, showing off in his new Doge Hemi. Thank goodness he thought it was funny, when I told him, who I thought I was chasing.

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