Ron Pope Motorsports                California Custom Roadsters               

Just got out again....GRRRRRRRRRRRRR


VIP Member
Just got out of the hospital AGAIN my lungs never got right from 3 months ago.Plus my smoking didn't help.But I'm here to tell yall i'm done smokeing cigs.Lets see what that does for me in my last years.
Rick, I'm glad you're out and wish you good health. I smoke and my mom smokes. You'd think that it being a contributing factor in my dads death, that I would have quit by now. I guess it will take an experience like you had for me to get wise.

Now....... tell us what ya got planned for that bucket of yours! You Mad Hatter, you!:lol:
Get well ;), i must of been lucky not having $ for smoking in highschool,all my $ was in my rod's tank for that high test high buck gas @ 25.9 cents,so never even started.
Hope that works for you Rick. I've been trying to quit too. So far I can only say I've cut back to half as many. All my best to you.

Glad to see you back Rick! Remember....just one day at a time with the'll do fine!
congrats on gettin out.. hope u stay that way. smoking not good. i quit nov 23 92 just before my first tripple bypass.. isnt it amazing how not smart we can be mike
Rick, I hope your feeling better. I quit smoking 6 mos. ago, it isn't easy. But the doc told me I wouldn't live two more years if I didn't. Best of luck to you, and we're here for ya.
Glad you're back (didn't exactly know you were away) and good luck with the smoking... My understanding is they have this new prescription that really reduces the urge to smoke, much higher success rate than any other product so far. Don't know the name, but several smokers I know have been able to quit with the aid of the stuff, so might be worth checking out... I'm also getting close too... :lol:
LumenAl said:
Glad you're back (didn't exactly know you were away) and good luck with the smoking... My understanding is they have this new prescription that really reduces the urge to smoke, much higher success rate than any other product so far. Don't know the name, but several smokers I know have been able to quit with the aid of the stuff, so might be worth checking out... I'm also getting close too... :lol:

Chantex, I went from 2 packs a day to nothing on Oct 7, its still not easy though. Just gotta decide what you want more.
I'm on Chantix now but i only have a months supply.Well see what happens.Insurance wont pay for the crap so i had to beg to get this much.
Welcome back Rick.

Quitting is hard to do, but you'll find it easier if you just make up your mind that you are bigger, badder and stronger than the cigarettes. I made that decision on May 14, 1984. And yes, it's a big enough and important enough accomplishment that you will remember the date.

Good to have you back.
Glad to see you are out and on the mend. You are 100 percent right about smoking, it is the quickest way to shorten your life that there is. Glad I never had the urge to smoke, and glad my Sons didn't take after my ex-wife, who smokes like a chimney.

My Dad died at 47 with a heart attack and suffered for years with chest pains and operations. He started smoking at 12. When I was a little kid he would try playing ball or something with me but would have to sit down because his chest was hurting so bad. He told me time after time "I don't care if you are 50 years old, if I EVER see you with a cigarette in your hand I am going to break your fingers!" It must have stuck with me because I never have.

I really would urge all of you who smoke to quit, if not for you, for those who love you and who need you around. Maybe Ricks experience can help save someone else. :lol:

Hope you do well, Rick.

I never smoked. My vice is food! You quit smoking every time you put one out. The hard part is resisting restarting! Good luck to you Buckethead smokers. I hope you will be able to stay quit after your next one!
Rick said:
I'm on Chantix now but i only have a months supply.Well see what happens.Insurance wont pay for the crap so i had to beg to get this much.

I was on it for a month and a half, Then just stopped taking it. I don't miss the cigarettes too much, But i sure miss the cigar after dinner. Probably always will, I just gotta deal with. Good Luck again Rick.
Good luck with the smoking. I know it's tough, but like has been said, take it one day at a time. Just don't give up!

I quit 11 years ago and have wished many times that I had never started. When I quit I was up to 2-3 packs a day! One of the hardest things I've ever done.

Sorry to hear you were in the hospital again. Do hope you can quit Rick. Best of luck to you. It's been 25 years since I quit.

Best of luck Rick...I quit cold turkey about 4 months ago...If it helps, I got really mad at cigarettes and focused that anger towards quitting...stay strong CAN do it!
Rule #1 to quit

You HAVE to WANT to quit. If you don't set your mind to it, you're setting yourself up to fail.

How I quit after 20+ years 1+ Pack / day.

First, I switched from my favorite smokes to Winston Ultra Lights. They have no additives and taste like an OLD STALE cig. Terrible. Not good. So now you don't "enjoy" it you're not going to do it as much.

Then you gotta break the Morning / Break / after lunch / break/ after work routines. That's where I had a little bit of a problem BUT I made my mind up I was quitting and started putting off that first one of the day as long as I could.

I'd gotten to where I really didn't like the Winston Ultra Lights so much that putting off smoking was getting easier. PLUS without all those additives I was kicking those chemicals out of my system.

(I don't recommend this part LOL)
Then I got sick. Really sick. Bronchitis really bad and I COULDN'T smoke even if I wanted to. I tried... oh boy I KNEW I was not going to be able to smoke for a while when I lit that first one and took a drag. UGH.

Stayed sick for two weeks, no smoking at all, lots of fluids, chicken noodle soup and juices, slept a LOT then I got well.

Went out with friends the next weekend and in a smokey club, drinking beers with all my friends (all of them smokers) I thought, ya know I never had that "last Cigarrette." So I lit one up, took a drag, thought to myself "this really tastes like $#!+ and put it out.

I knew right then I could beat 'em.

I realized right at that moment I didn't want them anymore.

I'm not going to say it's been easy BUT I'm done with 'em. I go for a walk at the park across the street every day. I do DEEP breathing exercises, play with a deck of cars at work to keep my fingers and hands occupied, and try to keep a positive outlook.

So far NOT ONE since I put 'em down a year and 5 months ago.

Sorry for the long post but I felt it needed to be said.

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