Garage Merch                Ron Pope Motorsports                California Custom Roadsters               

Just got out again....GRRRRRRRRRRRRR

I had a friend, a truck driver also. He rolled his double bottoms out in AZ. Laid there in the wreck for a couple of hours. When they got him out and to the hospital, he was fading. A doctor realized it, took a quick look at him, and realized he was bleeding into his lungs. Bunged a tap into his side, no anesthetic, just before he passed out.

Started to recover a little a few days later, and took a drag on a cigarette. Hurt so much, he was never tempted again.

Tough way to quit, though!

Dottie's dad smoked his last cigarette on the front porch, waiting for the ambulance when he had his first heart attack. He was 55 years old then. After that, he lived to be 90.
T-Odd said:
Rule #1 to quit

You HAVE to WANT to quit. If you don't set your mind to it, you're setting yourself up to fail.
Exactly! If you say you're going to try to quit, you'll never make it. Only when you say that you're going to quit are you even ready to try.

So far NOT ONE since I put 'em down a year and 5 months ago.
Congratulations! But you'll be surprised at how that old, demon desire will still sneak up on you. Hang tough, you'll make it.

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