Well, after the first 18 hours, all I can say is, "Wow!"
I got the new purrkids home and out of their carriers. For the first 3 or 4 hours, we had to go through a bunch of posturing, profiling, hissing and growling. But as time progressed, the hissing eased up and relations were improving. I just noticed they are taking turns chasing one another through the apartment.
Cricket 2.0 was the first one to discover the toys. I was surprised she actually saw them, but when she did, she dropped out of warp speed long enough to actually play for at least two milliseconds.
When she is not actually getting into something, she is either racing off at a gazillion MPH, to get into something, or she is looking for what to get into next. She is an absolute terror.
Angel 2.0, on the other hand, has been very slowly and deliberately investigating her new home. Which isn't to say she is all that angelic, because I've had to pull both of them out of waste bins.

She had been adopted, just a week ago and those people returned her to the shelter, because she was shy and had hidden for two days. So I was prepared for a kitty that was going to need some time to get to know her new home. Was I ever wrong! For the most part, she moves very slowly and very, very quietly. If I am sitting in here at the computers, she will work from this room. She will go off to investigate, then come back in here, wanting me to pet her. She is funny, because whilst she can meow, she makes a odd, little 'mrrrp' noise. I had to laugh, because when I woke the computers up, this morning, I had an e-mail from her former foster, who told me to listen for that noise. She is part puppy, because if I move from one room to another, she is right at my heels.
"Where is that big, orange kitty? I think she needs some more torment in her life!"
After a couple hours, Angel decided it was time for a well-deserved rest.
And I've quickly learned that when one sees the other doing something, then they have to emulate the other, to the letter.
This wee banshee, within minutes of being here, had managed to drag a telephone off a table, had managed to walk on a power strip, shutting down all the power to the computers, and had managed to knock two stacks of books of this bookshelf, so she could have room to lay down.
My Persian was the original 'fraidy cat. Even when my son would come over for a visit, she would run and hide. These two? They seem to think the more, the merrier. The perspective in this image is all wrong, because Angel (the orange) is about 3 times the size of Cricket. But have no fear, Cricket is proving she can give as good as she gets.
I am sitting here at the desk, with Angel laying on my right foot and Cricket laying on my left foot. This after about 30 minutes of them romping about the place. Cricket would chase Angel from the bedroom to the kitchen, where Angel would turn and chase Cricket back to the bedroom. Wash, rinse and repeat, over and over and over.
I am really delighted to have both of them here, even if Cricket intends to be the death of me.

They are my early Christmas presents.