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I caught my first cold in about 15 years. Got a new contract job[started last week with no benefits] and the kids working there just don't care to be healthy or worry about my health.

Snow is nice at times in moderation, as long as it don't get to cold and keep it here too long.
My wife just told me she heard there's snow on the way! At least I haven't caught a cold yet...
Watch out Mike they were saying we were going to get 1 to 3 inches before we got 10.5 inches of that white crap.....
It's still coming down.



Have I ever mentioned how much I abhor Winter? :thumbsdown:
Looks good to me. You just keep it there and i will abhor with you if I get over this cold.
Yep thats the way it started here............I am sorry but I like to spread the wealth................

You know, a few years back, I fought the cold from Hell. (Which seems to be back, BTW.) The doctor calmly explained the common cold will run its course in 7 days time and that I just needed to remain patient. This is day 10. And it feels like someone has managed to get under the city bus sitting on my chest and is now attacking my with an ax. I'm sick and tired of being sick and tired.

Why do I always have to come down with an uncommon cold?
Wishing all brother and sister T Bucketeers the very best of the festive season from down here. Its summer down here in the Shaky Isles, and our places of homage, i.e. Dirt Speedways and Drag Strips are in full swing. Minor problem of a Tropical Cyclone for our brothers up in Fiji, is where our thoughts are right now.
Hoping your Xmas period is safe and peaceful.

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