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My Budget Traditional T Build

Why don't you let the end show outside the bracket? Wouldn't it look better with the boxed end ground off and the whole end showing?
Why don't you let the end show outside the bracket? Wouldn't it look better with the boxed end ground off and the whole end showing?
My taste, I can go either way with it. I did it this way to capture the rod end inside a "box" for safety, though there's nothing wrong with having it outside I suppose. That's the way all the other ends are. But I will put washers on the outside to hold it in just in case. In any event, the step will probably hide it, so it's a moot point most likely.
Most like to idea of the double shear like you have for strength and safety. I have the single mount with the rods showing. I'm using a stock 327 sbc so I don't see the need for the extra support. IMO. Looks good the way that you've already done it.:thumbsup:
I reached a big mental milestone yesterday. I was able to perfectly square up the suspension in the chassis...front to back, up/down, corner to corner. Even the pinion angle is perfect right now, though that will change slightly once the chassis is fully loaded. But that is easy to adjust. The only thing I have to set is the toe which is easy and set the caster. I haven't put a gauge on it yet, but best I can tell it's now set at around 8 deg positive caster. I'm not sure what those settings should be yet. I'll have to do some research.

Now I can start doing some of the fun stuff like designing/fabricating mounts for headlights, fuel tank, tail lights, etc. etc.! But I'm sort of dreading doing the body/interior as working with fiberglass is not my favorite activity. I can do it, and have done it many times. I just don't enjoy it. I get all itchy just thinking about it.:eek:

Oh, and the windshield is another biggie. I know what I want but have absolutely no idea how I will to go about it yet...
It's looking good man! I like your idea for the rear hairpin mount. When I build mine i want it to sit as low as possible and like to see how others overcome the challenges associated with a low slung t. Keep posting pics and let us see how it's coming. Thanks.
I got some more done yesterday. This is the fun stuff for me.

Pretty much everything on this car is non-standard, so pretty much everything bolted to the car will have to be modified, including all the mounts, etc.

For the headlight mounts, I used 2" exhaust pipe, 1/2" pre-bent conduit from Home Depot and 2" angle iron. The headlights came with this handy washer that I used to weld onto the exhaust tubing. It worked out good I think. I just have to drill & tap the frame...

Thanks Jim (EX JUNK) for the ideas on these!!

Thanks. I also got my new steering column, so I can start to set that up when I get my seats...

I got the seats in today. They look pretty good except the color is much lighter than I hoped for. Oh well. I'll collect the carpet & vinyl for the other interior panels and I can always dye them to match....

My aim is to get the interior, wheels and engine color to match as close as possible...

I got the seats in today. They look pretty good except the color is much lighter than I hoped for. Oh well. I'll collect the carpet & vinyl for the other interior panels and I can always dye them to match....

My aim is to get the interior, wheels and engine color to match as close as possible...

Those seats look good and give you a nice sitting profile down low in the car. Sure be glad when my company lets me stay home long enough to work on mine! Don't you just love getting new parts?!? Like a kid at Christmas!
Those seats look good and give you a nice sitting profile down low in the car.
That is one important thing for me. I want to sit as low as possible in the car. I see some of these t-buckets where the guy is sitting so high in there, it looks like if he hits a good bump he'll get pitched right out lol!
That is one important thing for me. I want to sit as low as possible in the car. I see some of these t-buckets where the guy is sitting so high in there, it looks like if he hits a good bump he'll get pitched right out lol!

That is why I say that some guys sit ON their T rather than IN their T. I much prefer to sit in my rides because I like to really drive them without the fear of falling out.

Those seats are nice. I was planning on buying a pair from that same lady a few years ago for my previous ride but I ended up going a different route and making my own. I talked to her and she was going to make me a pair with the colors I wanted. Very nice lady. If I were you I would email her and ask if you could return the covers and have her send you the color you want. Worst she could say is no. That would be a lot easier and better quality than dying them. I bet if you paid the shipping she would do it. She could just use the covers you return on another set of seats. If she agreed then I would go out to a fabric shop and find the color that you want and send a small square of it with the seat covers so that she could match that exact color.

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