Garage Merch                Ron Pope Motorsports                California Custom Roadsters               

My First T-Bucket Build

The project is looking great! I also like the fact that it looks like your Miller welder is taking a break to have a Bud Light and assess the progress :whistling:
We tend to not pick on people here BUT im sure there is some of us that feel sorry for you LOL..:laugh:
Update from the weekend... I got the gussets for the rear spring mounts cut out, shaped, and welded in place. Created some mounts for the coil overs and welded those onto the rear spring mounts and gussets. Also got the upper radius rods cut, tapped, and bolted up. Ran out of tubing so I couldn't finish the lower bar. I am using 7/8" OD and 5/8" ID tubing with 11/16 ford tie rod ends (new from speedway). It was the cheapest route I found that were new parts. I also drew up a mount to bolt the coil overs to the frame. Started cutting them out and ran out of gas. So that's where I stopped this weekend. You might notice a similarity to a certain company's rear suspensions mounts. I liked the look of the rear of their cars so I borrowed a few design ideas. Also I might add that I know the rear radius rods look pretty close to the body. I'm hoping that they angle out enough to miss. They had about 5 inches of travel from where they bolt to the axle mount before they hit. I only have those mounts tacked on, so if I need to I will knock them off and make some dropped mounts. Had a little help from my girlfriends younger brother. He's taking a welding class in high school and wanted to come do some welds. I let him do a few small welds after I watched him practice a little. It's always fun when someone wants to learn from you.


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Got back in the garage a little bit over the weekend. It's a roller finally. I only have the rear radius rods tacked together, and I have some gussets that I'm welding in between them. Also have to finish the rear shock mounts.


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Hey, Dan;

Looks good so far.

Iffen I'd seen this a bit earlier, I'd've suggested a spring in front, using the same original spring location, & just moving the rear axle back a couple of inches. Or if you really wanted the rear spring, leaving the rear axle in the original location, & using a spring mount like the one in front. (I'm not a huge fan of the AA/Altered rear tire location look on the street - unless we're doing a clone of Wild Willies' smoker. :D .

On the springs, why the trailer spring in the front? I'm thinking it'll be a bit soft, & the front spring used in the rear will be quite stiff. I think you may need to pull all but 3 leaves... & maybe add them to the front after shortening them - if the width is similar.

Thanks for putting this up, it's interesting.

Hey guys, thanks for the input and questions.

flatheadgary, I am using the leaf spring and coil overs in the rear for a few reasons. The leaf spring is way too soft to be used by itself, and real coil overs are out of my budget. So I'm using the leaf spring and motorcycle shocks together because it's cheap and should be stiff enough with the added motorcycle shocks. Also having the two together takes away the need for a panhard bar.

Marcus, the trailer spring is actually very stiff. With my jumping up and down on the front of the car it doesn't seem to budge at all. I saved the leafs that I took off the original A spring in case I need to add some later. As far as the spring that's on the rear, I took it down to 5 leafs, and it's actually very soft. Way too soft to use alone which is why I added the motorcycle shocks.


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