Garage Merch                Ron Pope Motorsports                California Custom Roadsters               

My week at the BASH


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First off we had a great time and met a lot of great folks!!!!

Now last Saturday I spent the morning cleaning and getting the blown bucket ready to go to the BASH. So about 4pm Sat I go to load the bucket in the trailer so we can leave early Sunday morning. Well I ripped the drain plug out of the oil pan. No time to pull the pan and fix it. 2-3 hours at the best. So we have this tub that has not been driven in a year so I fire it up and give it a quick wash job, and load it.

So we leave out Sunday morning no problem. Some where near Mountain Home a deer runs out in front of us and I slam on the brake and miss Bambi. Would have been real bad hitting a deer. Well my super trick valve cover racer comes flying off the back seat of the Tahoe and crashes on the floor breaking off two wheels.

Oh well no big deal. I didn't want make Dennis cry any way.

So Friday morning we are all off to the church to do the rodeo. A great event. The tub is no car for a rodeo so I watched the front gate and kept spectators off the course. Well then the want to give kids a ride. So my wife watches for spectators and I fire up the tub and we start riding kids well we got a little carried away and Mark and I were drag racing across the parking lot when my tranny let go. 700r4 won't shift out of low. Got park and reverse and low. So we limp back to the Ramada. Make a few calls and they think the gov is stuck. It was, so T-Rex takes me to a tranny shop and the guy is nice enough to give me a good used gov. Go back put it in it did not fix it. So I gave up and deecide to put the car back in the trailer as the tranny will have to come out. But not on a Friday evening in Mountain Home. In loading the car one of the mail box toppers flips over and cuts the sidewall of the right front tire. About a 2" gash in the tire, and it is ruined.

So I cut my losses before blood and stitches were needed and came home.

12 hours and we are home safe a sound now.

Wonder if I got the hard luck award? LOL

But you know the looks on those little kids faces was PRICELESS.:cry:
Some times we are just better off staying in bed. Not as much fun as driving around in a T-Bucket, but cheaper ! Well, at my age it isn't as much fun, someone younger may have a different opinion. :cry:
Sorry to hear about your bad luck there Ron, at least everyone is safe and OK, even Bambi. Just have to tune everything back up and try again next year. Hope we can make it next time.
Hey Ron,
Sometimes the T/V valve can stick and cause the 700 r-4 to not shift. or the T/V cable can get out of adjustment or break and cause the same thing. They are very sensitive to T/V adjustment.

By the way, I'm in Lebanon Tennessee. That is right on I-40. If you ever are in the area and need some help, let me know. Right about in the middle of the state about 30 miles east of Nashville. Same for any of you guys..............

Sorry to hear about your trouble. I was off from here comming home from a Dune buggy race and broke the tongue out of the trailer.............thank goodness the chains held on to it..........what a mess that was...........ha ha ha ............

Wow, that sucks. It looks like forgot your camera at home too.

Sorry, I'm a picture whore :lol:.

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