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Need Advise from larger guys?

OK crappy pictures its night time but Damn I'm a T-Bucket owner.... LOL Sorry I'm happy as a kid in a .01 cent candy store!!! Its gonna need some finishing but most the hard stuff is done. I drove it around today and boy what a smile these put on your face...I have the make shift seat about 4 inch's off the floor and believe it or not I'm going to be good. I don't like the way the gas and brake peddles are set up I need to be changing those. They had the brake on the right and gas on the left boy that will get you in trouble in a hurry. Anyway had to let you guys know. Thanks again for all the responses.


That HERMAN's is surely one nice looking body. I like the stretch in the front scuttle and the inlets for the kickup and the driveshaft at the rear. I have done a couple stretches so far stretched at the mid point and the next one will be like this, stretched front scuttle. X53 may also find a widened deal is good, my present one is 9" longer and 9" wider and just right for a 6'3" 300lb fun loving bouncer.
Hey X53Gunner, is that as in former CH-53 door or ramp gunner? Marines or Air Farce? I'm a former Marine Sea Stallion driver (CH-53B & D models, pre-three motor).
MH-53 Pavelow's, Air Force Special Ops...Tail Gunner. We had a couple Navy Cross over pilots that were great to fly with!
Just for fun go to my album and you can see my "Monster-T" mold. It was designed for a movie about 15 yrs ago and was used to make two bodys. It is stretched 18", widened 12", deepened 8", and channeled 7". The bed is 3' x 4'. I would consider selling it to the right person and do a partial tradeout. The completed rod looks like it has been into a basball player''s steroid stash, ha.
X53Gunner said:
First I want to say hello to everyone as I'm brand new to the board! I am 6'4" around 260 pounds but have always wanted a T-Bucket. Anyway I'm looking at one right now with out the interior in it and was wondering if I can make it work for someone as tall as I am, or am I just wasting my time. Just wanted to hear from the guys that are taller and larger to see what you though. I'm thinking that the smiles and fun I will get will be worth the crampiness. Thank for your input!

Welcome to the board. I've got an old 23 glass body that I stretched. I added 3 inches in the cowl, 3 inches in the door section, and 3 inches in width at the back only. I'm 6' tall and 285 lbs (now, I was 316) and fit very comfortably. The pic attached below is with a 6'9" and 325 lbs passenger in the car. Still had plenty of room. Not at all uncomfortable.

Another thing to consider is channelling. The deeper you channel the body over the frame, the less room you will have inside the car. Look at my post today of the latest pics of my bucket. The glass work wasn't hard to do, but took some elbow grease to accomplish. Still have a bunch of body work to do. But it is just too damned much fun driving it right now.
Thanks for the advise RPM. I cut out the frame cut outs last weekend but do to the watts linckage on the rearend I was only able to go back 3". This weekend I will cut in the cowling just ahead of the dash and add the 3" where the dash will be the same. after cutting in a mock seat I have decided it is wide enough and will move on to other things. Thanks for the advise as I had planned on cutting just behind the doors. I should have some pic's to post next week!

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