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New Brakes Problems


I had someone run the brake lines for my T-Bucket but the brakes do not grab unless I pump the brake pedal. The installer swears all air is out of the lines but he has no experience with Hot Rods.
4 Wheel Wilwood disc brakes (4 piston fronts/2 piston rears), 2 psi Wilwood residual valves, Speedway 1" bore Master Cylinder/pedal assembly.
Any idea what may be the issue?
On T-Buckets do you bleed passenger front first?
Are the calipers rotated around the wheel enough that the bleeder is not the highest point on the reservoir? If so, you probably have an air bubble above the bleeder and to fix that you have to rotate the caliper until the bleeder is at the top and then bleed the system.
Another thing could have happened, hopefully the guy who did your brakes "bench bleed" you master. If not there could be air still trapped in there as well. I would definatly do what 409T said to do .. gotta get those bleeders to the top of the caliper.
The Wilwood calipers have bleeders at the top and the bottom, I'll re-bleed the system using the top bleeder, thanks.
I'm no mechanic, how do you "bench bleed" the master?
When you have the Master prior to install, you put it in a vice and add fluid to the full mark(in the res.) then work the master till you get a full stream with out air. * * * Reminder keep adding fluid in res. as needed.* * * Once on the car.. not possible without removal of master and lines from master. It is quit messy and can be hard. This is done to clear the master of air and any possible debris.

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