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No More talkin time for action.

Uh huh. I use Paypal a lot. It's simple to use and quick. It can be used without having any money in the account. They will just debit my checking account for the amount but I like to have a small balance in there for most of my transactions to leave my checking account separate.
i'm really low on cash right now but i have a few parts i would be willing to auction. i think i'm going to sleep on it and see what tomorrow brings.

Great idea their is always another way to skin a cat. Youngster may have hit on a great solution to some members problem of cashflow right now Auction donation !!!!!!!!!!!
when i know what my money is going in for i will donate...

i'm not donating to a failing site and my money getting pissed away for nothing, i dont have enough of it as is.. but i would make it happen..

i will donate to a site that stays solid, i would even be willing to become a member with yearly dues to keep this site going..

the experienced builders and knowlege on this site would be well worth $30 to $50 a year to be a member, i know the hamb is like $50 to become a member, and i like this site a heck of alot better than the hamb..
Hey guys, Its not that I have a problem with the donation,like I said my wife and I discussed donating. The Paypal thing I just dont like, I purchased an item online that cost 19.99 they hit me over 15 times for that amount and the person I was buying from never got the funds and my bank flagged my account. The address thing would be a whole lot better. My wife and I both love this site
Brucer said:
when i know what my money is going in for i will donate...
And that is a fair enough concern to have.

Donations are all going to be used to keep this site alive. And, if recent weeks are any indication, keep it growing into the future.

I think I've said this before, but when I decided to light this site up, I was doing it as a hobby. My goal was to have 250 members and I figured I was being real optimistic at that. I was willing to cover the cost of the vBulletin license and a $6.95/month hosting package out of my own pocket. We're now at something like 1,240 members and I really need to make shift on purchasing yet another hosting package to provide enough resources for us to keep growing. The downside to all this growth is the site has turned into a money pit. And if we're going to keep the site alive, it is going to need to be fed.

As I said in another thread, enough people have indicated they want me to stick this out that I have decided that is what I am going to do. But with the site continuing to grow, I cannot fund it out of my own pocket. I have living expenses too. And every hour I spend working on this site is an hour I am potentially losing income derived from working on other Web sites for customers, at $50/hour, mind you. I am willing to work this site hard, but I have to prioritize everything. I'm not going to tell paying customers they have to wait, just because this site requires a bit of my time, because that amounts me to donating $50/hour. I was born at night, but it wasn't last night. ;) :D

As long as we can keep funds on account to cover operating expenses, we are going to be right here. If members want some added functionality and we have funds to cover the expense, we'll make the additions. When the money runs out...

Steve, I appreciate your generosity and I also recognize you have sent donations in one more than one occasion. Don't feel as if you have to try to carry this place on your own shoulders, OK? ;) If we can get a few people willing to donate a few dollars every couple months, we can stay afloat. When a dozen people donate and then the donations suddenly stop, the well runs dry.

And I appreciate that times are tough, they're tough on me too. I used to use some of the income from other Web sites to help fund this one. But that source of income is just as strained as anything else right now. I've had times when I could make $800-$900 in a single weekend, working on Web sites. Now, I'm picking sh*t with the chickens, trying to drum up business. So I do understand. If a member cannot afford to donate, then they cannot afford to donate. Maybe someone like Youngster is pressed for cash, but he can sure share his wisdom with other members. If everyone will share what they do have, then things will work as they're meant to work.

The donations taken in from 1 January through 31 March were enough to cover January's expenses. This is the third month I've covered the expenses and I've done that out of loyalty to the forum sponsors, who had paid a few months in advance. If they were paying on a monthly basis, we would have been gone back on 1 March. I just refused to take their money and run out, so here we are.

I see some donations have come in overnight. I'll get busy and catch up some of the updates the site needs. The vBPicGallery license needs to be renewed, so it can be updated. The GARS Article and Review license needs to be renewed. vBulletin has released an updated package that I need to install. The script we use to generate sitemaps for the search engines needs to be updated. And as much as I hate the thought of it, I am going to have to purchase a larger hosting package. So I will get busy and get everything caught up.

I really do appreciate everyone's concern about the future of the site. It's been very satisfying to see how many people appreciate what this forum has become. I give you my word to keep after it, as long as we can keep the bills paid.
I meant to say -

I really like the convenience of using PayPal, but I understand the concerns some members have.

If you are interested in sending a cashier's check or money order (please, no personal checks), contact me via Private Message for a mailing address.
Is there a way to have a catagory that lists the needs per month so the operating funds are allways met. This will continue to be an issue without ayearly dues.
Mike glad you are going to continue to stay on board ,,,
Resent my donation .
I would not mind a yearly Dues, if it will keep the door's open.
There are, as of today, 1240 members on the forum. If everyone paid $10 per year in dues that would give the site $12,400 per year in income, if everyone participated. That would be more than enough to support the site and give Mike a nice bit of income for his efforts. Just a thought.
der Spieler said:
There are, as of today, 1240 members on the forum. If everyone paid $10 per year in dues that would give the site $12,400 per year in income, if everyone participated. That would be more than enough to support the site and give Mike a nice bit of income for his efforts. Just a thought.
Like i said give me a few days and im in.
Alright, I'm having trouble PMing Mike the Administrator (it's me, not you), so I am publicly asking for Mike to contact me so I can make a donation. Again it is my ignorance of the workings of the site. Sorry.

i will be re-routing my yearly dues to MSRA here when uncle whiskers sends my next check. i can do right now.

Mike, I'm going to apologize up front for sounding like I'm lecturing you or ranting. I'm not trying to sound like that. But it might seem that way. Sorry.

I am so glad to hear you are going to keep this place if the money is there to do it!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I know the money will be there. ;)

I have some important questions:

Is there anyway you could use a different forum software that costs less, or maybe even nothing like the "Simple Machines" or "PHPBB" forums. The forum uses simple machines, and they are a hell of a lot bigger than this place. I would rather see my money go toward faster hosting than forum software features I never use.

Do we need to keep spending money to grow this place?

You need to tell us what you need! Set a firm amount for running this place for a year. Buffer it 25 or 30 percent so you have a little extra just in case. Is it $1,000 you need?, $2,000 you need?, $3,000?, what is it? Then we hold a fund drive and just raise it for you. It's that easy. We do this once a year and we're done with it. :cool:

Another thing, don't make any hats or T-Shirts unless everyone pays in advance. AND!!!!! Most important, make sure if we do hats or whatever that you make something on it for your time. Make the items part of a fund drive if you need to. Some people may not want to donate even 10 bucks to keep this place going, but they would pay $30 if they knew they where getting a T-Shirt. Something like that.

There are people on this forum who might help you find potential advertisers. They need to step up to the plate and start sharing there contacts. Maybe even do the leg work for you. We don't want to hurt the advertisers we already have, so how about a tire company like Coker, or a wire harness company. Maybe painting supplies. Keep everyone happy by not hurting anyone.

There is hope people!

I'm done ranting. ;)

David, I've been down the phpBB road and still have the scars to prove it. I do have a phpBB3 forum I am running in a sandbox and it seems better than phpBB2 was. But I know vB is stable and secure, so I'm sticking to it.

I wish there was a way to keep a monthly total of expenses, but it isn't static. One month I may only have to pay for hosting. The next month, there might be add-on licenses to renew. I was aware the GARS license was expiring next month, but so is the vBSEO license. Then I think things settle back down for a couple months. I just renewed the vBPicGallery license, earlier this morning. If we decide to add something new, then we suddenly have purchase expenses. I am trying to keep enough cushion on our bandwidth requirements, but if we have an unusually busy month and the bandwidth gets burned up quickly, then we have to pay for additional bandwidth. So everything is pretty dynamic.

As for apparel, the hats and jackets are OK, because they are custom-made at the time of purchase. As for t-shirts - I'll place my next order for t-shirts when Hell freezes over. ;)

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