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No More talkin time for action.

maybe we could find an individual who would be willing to handle the t-shirts, hats, etc so that wouldn't figure into the site expence for mike.

on the subject of sponcers. GAB has asked about a sponcership. i personally would love to see that man here as i'm sure the rest of you would. keep in mind, he and all the other sponcers are running a business. we need to support them so they recieve income from this money spent.

mike if you could send me the particulars on sponceships, again, i'll give it a try to find some sponcers. i'm not promicing any thing, but i'll give it a try.

mike, i just found the "forum advertising" heading on the portal page. is this all i need to approach a prospective sponcer?

der Spieler said:
There are, as of today, 1240 members on the forum. If everyone paid $10 per year in dues that would give the site $12,400 per year in income, if everyone participated. That would be more than enough to support the site and give Mike a nice bit of income for his efforts. Just a thought.

Problem with this is that even though there are 1240 members, I seriously doubt that all members will contirubute. How many of those members are even active and logon? When is the last time they have logged on and evn further more, how many of them even know the status of the site? Just a few questions that popped up when I read this. I personally dont feel that a $10 contribution is adequate. If I can spend a minimum of $2,000.00 on my bucket... cant I spend $50 or $100 to site for the knowledgable contributors that give their input to make a final car that one spends more then 100% of a minimal money contribution. I definitely think so!!!

dovehunter79 said:
Problem with this is that even though there are 1240 members, I seriously doubt that all members will contirubute. How many of those members are even active and logon? When is the last time they have logged on and evn further more, how many of them even know the status of the site? Just a few questions that popped up when I read this. I personally dont feel that a $10 contribution is adequate. If I can spend a minimum of $2,000.00 on my bucket... cant I spend $50 or $100 to site for the knowledgable contributors that give their input to make a final car that one spends more then 100% of a minimal money contribution. I definitely think so!!!

Go ahead some are in financial troubles and dont have the extra.But i will give what i can and then.......
Youngster said:
mike, i just found the "forum advertising" heading on the portal page. is this all i need to approach a prospective sponcer?
Yes, all the information is right there.

The T-Bucket Forums Forum Advertising

RPM, I still have 4 dozen shirt, in all sizes.

I'm so proud of myself. I paid for an upgraded photo gallery script and managed to break what was already there during the upgrade process. Some days, it doesn't pay to chew through the leather straps.
dovehunter79 said:
Problem with this is that even though there are 1240 members, I seriously doubt that all members will contirubute. How many of those members are even active and logon? When is the last time they have logged on and evn further more, how many of them even know the status of the site? Just a few questions that popped up when I read this. I personally dont feel that a $10 contribution is adequate. If I can spend a minimum of $2,000.00 on my bucket... cant I spend $50 or $100 to site for the knowledgable contributors that give their input to make a final car that one spends more then 100% of a minimal money contribution. I definitely think so!!!


The 1240 number and the dollar value attached to it was a hypothetical. I used it to describe what the site could generate in earnings. If even half of those listed as members would donate it would still be a tidy sum. The harsh reality is that of the 1240 members who are signed up for this forum as of March 16 only 31 (including the 2 sponsors) are donors. That's right. 31 people have stepped up and made donations to keep this site operating for the other 1209. And a lot of us have donated multiple times. I have donated 3 times since I joined last June. I think it's time for some members to quit bitching about whether or not they will get their money's worth. They've been getting more than their moneys worth for a long time. It's time to get with the program and shell out a little cash. I understand that some are strapped for cash right now with layoffs and a tight economy and I encourage them to put in what they can. But like I said. I have made three donations since June of last year, 2008, and I haven't worked since August of 2007. I can relate to a tight budget. My rant of the week.
OK guys it is T Shirt time again. Now I just bought 4 shirts and a cap.

Go buy a shirt......................NOW don't wait.

Mike said he had 4 dozen left so lets buy them all up TODAY. These are really nice shirts, we bought some last season. Great to wear when out in the bucket. Buy one for the Misses too. :lol:
I just dropped another $25 into the kitty. That is the third time I have donated since I joined last June, and I think a total of $100 bucks for the year. Others need to start coughing up.

I think it's appalling that only 31 people are donating members. Five dollars is the minimum donation. 5 bucks.
Ok Boss !:lol:
I ordered 2,,:cool:
der Spieler said:
The 1240 number and the dollar value attached to it was a hypothetical. I used it to describe what the site could generate in earnings. If even half of those listed as members would donate it would still be a tidy sum. The harsh reality is that of the 1240 members who are signed up for this forum as of March 16 only 31 (including the 2 sponsors) are donors. That's right. 31 people have stepped up and made donations to keep this site operating for the other 1209. And a lot of us have donated multiple times. I have donated 3 times since I joined last June. I think it's time for some members to quit bitching about whether or not they will get their money's worth. They've been getting more than their moneys worth for a long time. It's time to get with the program and shell out a little cash. I understand that some are strapped for cash right now with layoffs and a tight economy and I encourage them to put in what they can. But like I said. I have made three donations since June of last year, 2008, and I haven't worked since August of 2007. I can relate to a tight budget. My rant of the week.

I wont argue one bit with that... I am mailing mine in today.
i use to do some online gaming.

basicly we had a remote server location, had a game server set up on it..we had forums...

the forum liscense cost like 160 for the year,looks to be $180 a year now with all updates being free for the year, past that we owned the lisense but no updates after that year was up, but the forum still operated as usual.... the remote server cost $120 a month, i'm sure thats probably more now, but gaming uses a heck of alot more bandwidth than this site does in one night, so webhosting is probably cheaper actually...

we had a paypal donation button that also showed the balance of our teams donations, so everyone could see what was there and when it was used..

i know i sound like i'm picking or whatever,i dont mean to be..

i just want to know where my money goes if i donate, if the site is going to continue after i contribute, but i also dont want to stick $20 or $40 bucks into the site and the plug get pulled right after i donate..

when you become a contributor do you get to see the sites paypal balance? and deductions? operating costs and payments to the webmaster/admin?
Brucer said:
i just want to know where my money goes if i donate, if the site is going to continue after i contribute, but i also dont want to stick $20 or $40 bucks into the site and the plug get pulled right after i donate..
Fair enough. I've not twisted anyone's arm to donate a dime and I'm not going to start now, so you're safe.

And for some good news, I managed to get the updated version of the photo gallery functioning as it should.
Mike, as usual you do a great job.

I just want piece of mind that its not going to be money wasted. I'm sure few others feel the same way..
i have complete faith in mike. some kind of on going cost information would be a good idea though. true there are only a small percentage of contributors here, but this would be a way for those that do to see when the pot is getting thing i don't want to see in something like that is who gave what. we are all adults here. there is also a great spread of incomes. each person should be comfortable with what they give. i don't care where the money comes from as long as it's there when mike needs it. just my 2 cents.

Mike, you'll have my donation next week. It wont be much compared to what some here are bosting about but I'm in the middle of a build, new house build and 3 kids. Plus paying for my trip to the Nats. So maybe it'll help but like youngster said, I really don't give a rats tail about Mr. I paid this amount so everyone else should, I care about you getting what you need. Not everyone has that kind of money but if we as a group were aware of your needs as they come then we could of helped prior to this becoming a major issue. Sorry if I offended anyone but I paid for a site and feel like an outsider there because I'm new and I'm not in the click.

But as I said I will be paying next week so give me a PM so I can mail it to you.

Thank you for a wonderful site.
Keep in mind Mike's time is worth something too so it can't be all money in = costs. It would be iinteresting to see what the costs are but perhaps the money coming is MIke's personal business as long as the site keeps cranking. IMO.
Sorry everyone, I didn't mean any offense by my comment. I was just trying to get people to donate.


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