Ron Pope Motorsports                California Custom Roadsters               

Norm Grabowski's web site


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I shot him an email to see if he is at the Bucke head Bash. Click on wheres Norm and then also the pics and you will see several photos at that event. I am planning on making several of the mo events this year FO SHO
The web site looks very cool i love the Osage Beach area. I use to go thuough there from Wichita to Jeff city I will be in Hawaii for a couple of weeks the week after i will see if it will fit. Thanks for the Invite!!!
rooster57 said:
The web site looks very cool i love the Osage Beach area. I use to go thuough there from Wichita to Jeff city I will be in Hawaii for a couple of weeks the week after i will see if it will fit. Thanks for the Invite!!!

HAWAII!!! Dang, brother have a great trip. Stay off Hotel Street and you'll be fine.;)

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